Monday, December 21, 2009
Ch.20 Project
Please choose ONE of the following options to work on for your Chapter 20 project. You may work in groups of your choice for numbers 1 or 2. Please keep in mind that if you choose to do a group project, you will have to arrange to meet with group members during your lunch hour or after school. I will be providing minimal in-class time to work on this project.
Project Options
1. Dramatization: Students will work in groups to dramatize one of the important events of this chapter, such as the trial of King Charles I, the Boston Massacre, or the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Students will either present their skit in class OR as a movie (DVD). Students will be marked on creativity, content, costumes, editing (if relevant), and historical interpretation. Students MUST pass in a hard copy of their project (script).
2. News Report: Students should imagine they are “war correspondents” traveling with one of the armies covered in this chapter. Student(s) must produce a written news report about the war which includes information about battles as well as the ideas over which the wars were fought (reasons, motivations, etc.). Students will present news report during class time (or create a newscast on DVD). Students will be marked on creativity, content, costumes, editing (if relevant), and historical interpretation.
3. Biography: Students will write a brief biography about two individuals from the English Civil War and the American Revolution. Students must create a table which illustrates the similarities and differences of these individuals. (considering common characteristics, beliefs, or experiences). Students will also be asked to complete a “History Frame” hand-out for each revolution (obtain from Ms. Flick). Students will be asked to hand in the biographies, table, and hand-outs. Students will be marked on content, insight, grammar/spelling, and historical accuracy/interpretation.
4. Graphics: Students will develop a “pictorial history” of one of the revolutions covered in this chapter. Students must illustrate the major events before, during, and after the revolution. Students must include text that explains the events. Format: display/comic strip/powerpoint slideshow/scrapbook. Students will be marked on creativity, content, historical accuracy, neatness, and clarity of image
Upcoming Projects/Assignments:
Research Paper Outline: Jan.6
Research Paper Rough Draft: Jan.9 (was the 7th but I gave you a 2 day extension)
Final Draft (contained in an envelope with RD and notecards): Jan.12
Chapter 20 Project: Jan.11 (Monday)
I hope everyone has a very Merry (and safe) holiday break!!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
You will receive a mark of zero if you skip the test. If you are not in class on Monday, your parent/guardian must call in to verify your absence.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Section 4 Answers
1. Why did British troops enter Boston in 1775?
A: Colonists outraged seaports still closed (teaparty) causing job loss, rumors of British soldiers committing crimes/murder. British sensed the tension and sent in 700 troops to seize all the military supplies of the colonists
2. Explain what happened during the battle of Lexington and Concord and why it began. Why were the colonists so successful in this battle?
A. Paul Revere and William Dawes learned of the Brit plan and rode to warn the colonials troops when Brit troops marched into Lexington there were already 70 farmers/villagers blocking their path refusing to move. Shot was fired (unknown which side), 8 colonists killed. Brits marched back to Boston and were fired at by colonists hiding. Result: 100 colonists dead; 300 Brit soldiers dead. Colonist were successful b/c they knew in advance and were prepared.
3. Explain the purpose and outcome of the Olive Branch Petition.
A. Proposal called the “Olive Branch Petition” was sent out by Congress to try to arrange a peaceful compromise. Outcome: Refused by Brits = little chance of a peaceful compromise.
4. Why would Thomas Paine’s Common Sense have had so much effect on colonists’ opinions at the time it was published?
A. Common Sense promoted independence for economic, social, and moral reasons – in other words, it made sense on ‘all levels’. It was widely circulated, so many American colonists were convinced by its writing. It also used emotional appeals “The Americans who have been killed seem to say, ‘TIS TIME TO PART.” and logical appeals to convince the colonists.
5. Who drafted the Declaration of Independence and upon what ideas was it based?
A. Thomas Jefferson drafted the D of I which was based on the reasons for separation from GB (based ideas on those of Locke and other Enlightenment thinkers). Individuals should have certain basic rights that could not be taken away by gov’t. Gov’ts should be created as an agreement between a ruler and those being ruled – if ruler loses support, people have the right to change the gov’t through rebellion.
6. During the Revolutionary War, the British had significant military advantages over the colonists. Why were the British unsuccessful?
A. British army: well led, well trained, well equipped – most powerful navy, money, experience
Colonists: no navy, little experience, no money, clothes, guns, food, ammo,uniforms.
George Washington (head of colonist army) was a skillful general (motivating/inspiring), received help from the French (arms/ammo) French wanted revenge for French and Indian War. They used ambush tactics, Brits had to wait long periods for supplies (coming across Atlantic).
7. In the end, what do you think led to the colonists victory in the Revolutionary War?
A. Answers may vary. Passion, loyalty, need for independence, work ethic, good leadership, support from France, Spain, Netherlands.
8. What was the first constitution of the United States? Why was it ineffective?
A. The U.S formed “The Articles of Confederation” a league of independent states. They were weak and unable to collect taxes. It failed to regulate the states’ economic activity -> result was quarreling amongst states.
9. What type of gov’t did the 1788 Constitution of the United States establish? What is meant by separation of powers?
A. United States Constitution 1788 – it set up a federal system (gov’t in which power is divided between a central gov’t and regional, or state, governments. Separation of powers Montesquieu’s division of gov’t: executive, legislative, and judicial.
10. What Act was added to the Constitution soon after it was ratified?
A. Bill of Rights: 10 amendments protected personal liberties such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, trial by jury, and protection of rights of individual states.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Web Assignment --Answers must be HANDWRITTEN!!!
Go to the website: Click on “Instructor Sites” Click on “ A Writer’s Reference” Click on “Research and Documentation Online” - Click on “” Click on “History”.
Please answer all questions on a piece of loose-leaf and pass in at the end of class. I WILL NOT accept answers that are typed.
1. “Research in history involves developing an understanding of the past through the examination and interpretation of evidence”. Please give six examples of evidence.
2. Historians use libraries to: (three things)
Go to “Documenting Sources”.
3. If you use the Chicago style of citation are you still required to include a bibliography?
4. What two things should you include the first time you cite a source?
5. Definition for the term subsequent:
6. How do you cite subsequent references? Please give an example.
7. What does “Ibid” mean? When do you use it? Give an example.
8. Go to the “Glossary of Terms”. Write down a definition for the following terms: citation, plagiarism, primary source, and secondary source.
9. Go to “Tips for Evaluating Sources”. Name two things that should be done when evaluating all sources and give an example of each.
10. Name and briefly explain four things that should be taken into consideration when evaluating a web site.
11. Create a footnote for the following references (refer to model notes and bibliography entries) and then create a properly formatted bibliography for the four references (remember to alphabetize!!)
Title: The Flick Chronicles
Author – John Myron
Publishing Company :Flick Books
City :New York
Publishing Date: June 2008
Page number: 6
Author: Jason Flick
Title: Renaissance Art
Source: World History
Director: Steven Senegal
Title: The Spice Trade
Production Company: Flick Entertainment
Production Date: September 2007
Release Date: June 2008
Title: Kate Flick: Coolest Teacher on the Planet
Authors: Joe Broderick, Ryan Keliher
Publishing Company: Ragweed Press
City: Toronto
Publishing Date: April 2009
Page number:76
Web Assignment --Answers must be HANDWRITTEN!!!
Go to the website: Click on “Instructor Sites” Click on “ A Writer’s Reference” Click on “Research and Documentation Online” - Click on “” Click on “History”.
Please answer all questions on a piece of loose-leaf and pass in at the end of class. I WILL NOT accept answers that are typed.
1. “Research in history involves developing an understanding of the past through the examination and interpretation of evidence”. Please give six examples of evidence.
2. Historians use libraries to: (three things)
Go to “Documenting Sources”.
3. If you use the Chicago style of citation are you still required to include a bibliography?
4. What two things should you include the first time you cite a source?
5. Definition for the term subsequent:
6. How do you cite subsequent references? Please give an example.
7. What does “Ibid” mean? When do you use it? Give an example.
8. Go to the “Glossary of Terms”. Write down a definition for the following terms: citation, plagiarism, primary source, and secondary source.
9. Go to “Tips for Evaluating Sources”. Name two things that should be done when evaluating all sources and give an example of each.
10. Name and briefly explain four things that should be taken into consideration when evaluating a web site.
11. Create a footnote for the following references (refer to model notes and bibliography entries) and then create a properly formatted bibliography for the four references (remember to alphabetize!!)
Title: The Flick Chronicles
Author – John Myron
Publishing Company :Flick Books
City :New York
Publishing Date: June 2008
Page number: 6
Author: Jason Flick
Title: Renaissance Art
Source: World History
Director: Steven Senegal
Title: The Spice Trade
Production Company: Flick Entertainment
Production Date: September 2007
Release Date: June 2008
Title: Kate Flick: Coolest Teacher on the Planet
Authors: Joe Broderick, Ryan Keliher
Publishing Company: Ragweed Press
City: Toronto
Publishing Date: April 2009
Page number:76
Tuesday and Wednesday
Wednesday: In-class Web Assignment in computer lab (all those who did not complete it will be responsible for completing the assignment for marks on their OWN time.
Tomorrow in class we will be discussing Section 4 notes and working on a review for Ch.20 Test which will be written on Friday.
Answers for Sections 2 & 3 Questions
Chapter 20 Section 2 Questions/Answers
1. Who was Charles II and where was he during Cromwell’s rule of England?
A: He was the son of Charles I – During Cromwell’s rule he fought for the royalists and then fled Europe and wandered from country to country.
2. Explain what is meant by the Restoration and what terms the king had to agree to.
A: It was the ‘restoring’ of a monarchy to England (Charles II) Terms: constitutional monarchy (king is not above the law); King must agree to Petition of Right and Magna Carta and other Parliamentary laws; Parliament would have some control implementing legislation (king would still have some power); Claredon Code – limiting university attendance, parliament, and religious services to Anglicans only.
3. Identify:
Cavalier Parliament: Parliament controlled by Royalists
Claredon Code: Law limiting university attendance, parliament, and religious services to Anglicans only.
Constitutional monarchy: King is not above the law
4. What documents make up the constitution of England?
A: Magna Carta, Petition of Right as well as other laws and customs.
5. Explain the reasons for a conflict over who would succeed Charles II and why this led to the attempt to pass the Exclusion Bill. How was the Bill actually defeated?
A: James II was Charles’ brother, but he was a practicing Catholic (Charles had no heir). People feared that there would be a revival of Catholic power. Exclusion Bill proposed to exclude James from the monarchy. Tories defeated the Bill by accepting the habeas corpus (person could not be imprisoned by a king without just cause). “Compromise”.
6. Who were the Whigs? The Tories?
A: England’s first political parties. Whigs were those that wanted to exclude James from the monarchy. Tories were those that defended the hereditary monarchy.
7&8 Parliament tolerated James II, despite his desire to restore absolute monarchy until what event? Explain how the Glorious Revolution occurred and who came to power.
A: The birth of James’ son (from second wife). Everyone was waiting patiently for James to die (Protestant daughter Mary would become ruler) but when his son was born (to be raised Catholic) it was clear he would inherit the throne. Whig and Tories united and invited Mary’s husband William of Orange (ruler of Netherlands) to invade England and take over the Crown. James fled (no support) William and Mary took the throne without bloodshed=Glorious Revolution (named this b/c it was peaceful).
9. Identify the following:
Bill of Right: King could not raise taxes or maintain an army without the consent of Parliament (could not suspend laws). Parliament should be held often, should be freedom of debate. Right to trial by jury, no cruel or unusual punishment, limited the amount of bail paid for a person awaiting trial. Right to appeal, speak freely in Parliament.
Act of Settlement: Parliament excluded any Catholic from inheriting the English throne (James tried unsuccessfully to recapture the Crown).
Act of Union: It united France and England into a new nation called “Great Britain”.
10. Was England a true democracy after the Glorious Revolution? Why or Why not?
A: No, although the monarchy did not have absolute power (Parliamentary influence was strong) and H of C members were elected, only male property owners could vote (250,000 people out of 6 million). 4 % of population. H of C members were not paid (made up of the wealthy and nobility, clergy).
11. Explain how the cabinet became a part of British government and how the office of prime minister emerged.
A: Anne (Hanover) was not skilled in politics -> sought guidance from a cabinet (advisers fr. H of C) A cabinet of Whigs and Tories fought therefore it became custom to pick a cabinet of members from the majority party. Anne was succeeded by George I – raised in Germany, spoke little English and relied on cabinet. Sir Robert Walpole (leader of Whigs) gained control of cabinet and advised King eventually est. position of prime minister (chief exec. of a parliamentary gov’t)
Chapter 20 Section 3 Questions/Answers
1. What were some of the differences between the people of the 13 colonies in America and the people of Britain?
A: Colonists: common language and political background; many radicals (fled from Britain); no aristocracy – no real social classes (everyone was the same – hard workers); colonists used to governing themselves.
British: no radicals (those with political ideas re: liberty, universal suffrage etc.); aristocracy (social ranking); monarchy.
2. How did Britain view the role of the colonies? How and why did they regulate trade with the colonies?
A: Saw them as only valuable to the extent that they benefited British trade (mercantilist view). IE: Produce goods (raw materials mostly) and provide markets for British manufactured goods. They passed a series of Navigational Acts that required colonists to export certain products only to Britain or other British colonies and all goods going to the colonies had to pass through G.B where they were taxed before reaching the colonies. All goods going to the colonies had to be transported on ships made in G.B.
3. Why was a greater percentage of men able to vote in the colonies than in Britain?
A: Voting was still restricted to landowning males; however, it was much easier to acquire land in the colonies.
4. What important power did the colonial assemblies gain in the early 1700s?
A: They won the right to limit the salaries of governors and judges and withhold /reduce his salary if he did not do as colonists pleased.
5. How did the outcome of the French and Indian War affect Britain’s view of the American colonies? What was the purpose of the Royal Proclamation of 1763? The enforcement of the Navigation Acts?
A: Britain’s felt some resentment towards the colonies as the cost of the war was debilitating. The Royal Proclamation that said that colonists could not (for time being) settle in lands west of the Appalachians. Thought it would avoid wars with Native Americans until GB had the area under control.
6. Identify and explain the role of each of the following in the to demands for independence:
The Stamp Act: all print materials must be stamped to show that a tax had been paid to GB.
The Declaratory Acts: Gave the British Parliament the right to pass laws governing the colonies.
Boston Massacre: Clash between British and American troops – crowd in Boston harassed the British troops (snowballs and eggs) gunfire= 5 Bostonians dead.
Boston Tea Party: Unrest in Boston Brits repealed most of its taxes, but kept its tax on tea. Special law was passed to allow Brits to sell tea in the colonies w/out paying tax = they could in turn sell their tea at a cheaper price which hurt the colonial tea merchants. Bostonians were not happy they dressed as Native Americans and dumped wooden chests of British tea into Boston Harbour (known as the Boston Tea Party).
Intolerable Acts: Punishment for the Boston Tea Party = Acts closed the harbor until the tea had been paid for and required the colonists to house and feed the British soldiers in their homes. Acts also reduced the colonists’ right of self-gov’t.
Quebec Act: Placed Canada and territories north of the Ohio River under a separate gov’t, thus closing the area to the colonists.
7. What was the reason for the First Continental Congress of 1775? What did the Congress conclude about the power of colonial legislatures? What did the Congress do with regard to trade with Britain.
A: The repressive measures of the Brits convinced the 13 colonies to form a union of resistance (meeting of colonial representatives to discuss grievances). They concluded that the colonials were entitled to make their own legislation (laws). They also recognized Parliament’s right to regulate trade and agreed that the colonies would not import goods from GB after Dec.1775 & after Sept.1775 not to send colonial goods to GB.
8. Why did the colonies begin to create a volunteer army in 1775?
A: They created volunteer armies b/c many colonists wanted to take more radical measures (battle) to rid themselves of GB’s control.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Chapter 20 Section 4 Notes
Events Leading Up to the Declaration of Independence
April 19, 1775: Battle of Lexington and Concord occurs when Massachusetts’ Governor General Gage is ordered to seize colonists’ military supplies in Concord. Warned by Paul Revere and William Dawes, colonial minutemen engage the British army. 300 British and 100 colonials are killed. A humiliating outcome for the British army.
May 1775, Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia, establishing George Washington as military commander of American Colonial forces. Olive Branch Petition seeking a peaceful negotiation of differences is sent to King George III. It is refused.
January 1776: Thomas Paine’s booklet, Common Sense, is published and 120,000 copies circulate. It convinces many that it is “time to part” with Great Britain. George Washington even has it read to his troops. Perfect timing to help turn the tide of public opinion towards independence.
Delegates to Second Continental Congress appoint Thomas Jefferson and four others to draft the Declaration of Independence, founded on ideas of John Locke and other Enlightenment thinkers. It establishes the justification for separation from Britain on the basis of breach of social contract.
July 4, 1776: Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Congress. It does not have popular majority support from all the colonies. Popular split in the colonies is roughly 1/3 for independence, 1/3 neutral, and 1/3 opposed war. War is now inevitable.
The War of Independence
Early battles in New York and New Jersey as the British try to divide northern and southern colonies. British have the advantage with well-trained, well-equipped troops; powerful navy; German mercenaries; plenty of war experience.
American colonists lack adequate weapons and ammunition, clothing, money, food, battle experience, and have no naval power to speak of. They are,however, fighting on their own turf and draw support from their own people. The British must bring in supplies from Britain. American use ambush tactics of guerilla warfare and the British redcoats make excellent targets.
Turning point of the War comes in October 1777 at Battle of Saratoga, N.Y when British are forced to surrender 6,000 troops to the colonial army. This victory convinced the French to support the revolutionary army with troops and supplies.
In 1779, Spain declares war on Great Britain. Spain and France send naval forces to attack British in the West Indies and in 1780 the Netherlands join the attack. Britain is now defending itself on several fronts, at home and in America.
In 1781, George Washington accepts the surrender of the British army and Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. 1783, Britain finally recognizes the American colonies as an independent nation.
The New Government
1st Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, fails to work. Lacks true federal power and no funding form the States.
1788: Congress ratifies the United States Constitution, implementing a federal system of government called a republic. This constitution drew on Montesquieu’s idea of the separation of powers between executive, legislative, and judicial branches of gov’t.
1789: George Washington elected as the first president of the United States of America.
U.S Congress develops the Bill of Rights as an amendment to the U.S Constitution. Its purpose is to identify and guarantee “natural” human rights and liberties.
Monday, Dec.14
Worked on "Boston Tea Party" History Folder Response. Go to
“The Boston Tea Party, 1773”
Eyewitness History
History Folder Response
1. In a paragraph, summarize what the article is about.
2. What caused the Boston Tea Party?
3. Why do you think the colonists dressed up as Native Americans?
4. Why did the colonists choose “tea” to make their point?
5. How did the colonists make sure that the tea would be unusable?
We went over Section 1 questions and part of section 2 questions on the overhead.
Chapter 20 test on Friday!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, Dec.10
Passed out Ch.20 Section 2 and 3 notes
Homework: Section 2 questions
Research Paper thesis statement: Due Monday
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wed. Dec.9, 2009
Went to computer lab (attempted web assignment)but computers weren't working so we used the time to print off articles for your research papers.
Chicago Style Web Assignment
Go to the website ""
Click on “Instructor Sites”
Click on “A Writer’s Reference”
Click on “Writing Exercises”
Click on “Research Exercises”
Click on “CMS (Chicago)”
Complete each of the following exercises. You MUST print your results at the end of each activity.
Exercises: CMS 2-1; 2-2; 2-3; CMS 4-2; 4-3;4-4;4-5 4-6
You must have a print-out of each exercise.
** You may need to refer to this website for information regarding bibliographies and endnotes/footnotes.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, Dec.8
We worked on Ch.20 Section I questions (1-11) due tomorrow (worth 11 class marks)
My notes for section 1 have seemed to be missing from my hard drive!!! Let's hope I can 'recover' them tonight!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday, Dec 7
Copied Ch.20 Section 1 notes
Passed back Ch.19 Tests
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thur and Fri Dec 3 & 4
Handed out a hard copy of the expectations and deadlines for the research paper (booklet).
Topic is due: Dec.7
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, November 30th
Inclass assignment worth marks
Oral presentations
Ch.19 test tomorrow!
See Review below:
Chapter 19 Test Review
• Multiple Choice
• Matching
• Short Answer
• Essay
Section 1: New Scientific Ideas
Be able to discuss how scientific thought changed during the 1600s.
Understand scientific method
Be able to identify and give a description (accomplishments, notable achievements) of all scientists).
Section 2: Impact of Science
Be able to discuss the effects that the changes in scientific thought had on thinking in other fields (especially politics and government).
Identify and discuss the achievements of important philosophers during this time.
Understand the idea of “natural law”
Section 3: Triumph of Reason
Identify the factors that helped the Enlightenment to spread throughout Europe and the ways in which people reacted to the ideas of the Enlightenment.
Identify and discuss achievements of important philosophes.
Discuss the importance and role the “salon” played during this Age of Reason.
Identify individuals who did not agree with the Enlightenment, and discuss their views.
Understand the effect the Enlightenment had on religion(s).
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The rest of section 3 notes...
The Arts
Writers , artists, and architects focused on Greek and Roman classics
Used simple forms (instead of elaborate baroque style)
Writers focused on the classical ideas, but were also loyal to the idea of “reason”.
Music: religious --> created for enjoyment and pleasure.
Other Views
Some opposed the views of the Enlightenment
William Blake “God is not a mathematical diagram!”
Jean Jacques Rousseau: 1700’s French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau à people should rely more on instinct and emotion.
Convinced that people were born “good” but civilization corrupted them. (Discourse on the Effect of the Arts and Sciences on Morals.)
Believed power to rule belonged to the people & people had the right to rise up vs. govt’.
Immanuel Kant
German philosopher influenced by Rousseau
Reason cannot explain metaphysics (ie: aspects of philosophy that deal with the universal, spiritual, and eternal questions). Wrote Critique of Pure Reason
Divided the world into two realms: ultimate reality and physical nature.
Physical world: People attained knowledge through the five senses as well as through reason.
Second realm: faith, intuition and conviction help attain knowledge.
Religious Movement
Many rejected Deism “religion of reason”
Moravian Brethren and Hasidism à mystical based religions
John Wesley created “Methodism” Ã stressed value of personal religious experience.
Pg. 482 in your textbooks
Homework: Please complete the following questions:
#’s 1-4; 6 & 7
Thursday, Nov. 26
Oral presentations (interview) tomorrow (hard copy is due as well)
Ch.19 Test tomorrow!!!
Flick Fun Fact:
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wed. Nov. 25/09
Assignment Name: Scientific Revolution
Write a paragraph stating why you would or why you would not have been drawn to follow the ideas of the Scientific Revolution.
Please record the assignment name and date and put this in your history folder.
Please copy down and explain the significance of the following quotation:
Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history.
~Joan Wallach Scott
Discussed and copied Ch.19 Section 3 notes
Interview (oral presentation) due Friday
Ch.19 test -- Monday
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, Nov.24
Please read the article “Florence Museum: lost Galileo relics, a tooth and 2 of astronomer’s fingers, found again”.
Please write a response for your history folder and label the assignment “Galileo response”. Please include the following in your response:
• Brief summary of the article
• Relevance to this course
• Your thoughts – personal response
• Would you go to visit the museum to view the “new” display? Why or why not?
• Write down 3 facts about Galileo Galilei
I went over section 1 and 1 notes on slideshow
Interview is due on Friday
Monday, Nov.23
I am assuming we finished up most of the notes for sections I and II (Ch.19)
Your interviews are due on Friday (hard copy and oral presentation)
Ch.19 test is coming up SOON!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Scientific Revolution Interview Assignment
I passed out a hard copy in class to each student;if you lost it, here is the criteria:
Assignment: Scientific Revolution Interview
During this period in time, scientists began to question accepted beliefs and make new theories based on experimentation. Such questioning led to the development of the "scientific method" which is still in use today.
You will be researching a scientist to learn about his accomplishments, contributions to society, and his life.
You will be assigned one of the following scientists:
• Copernicus
• Galileo
• Newton
• Johannes Kepler
• Bacon
• Descartes
• Harvey
• Janssen
• Robert Boyle
• Leeuwenkoek
• Joseph Priestly
• Celsius
• Otto van Guericke
• Fahrenheit
• Torricelli
• Paracelsus
• William Gilbert
• Christian Huygens
• Tycho Brahe
• Andreas Vesalius
• Edward Jenner
Pretend that your scientist is near the end of his life and he has just granted you an exclusive interview.
1. Use your textbook and internet articles to research your scientist.
2. Write 10 questions that you would like to ask your scientist. You must ask questions that give information about his life, but most questions should relate to the scientist's work, accomplishments and contributions. All questions must be open-ended (No close-ended questions please!).
Example: Can you tell me about an important document you have written? Or Can you tell me about one of your major scientific accomplishments?
3. Using Microsoft Word, produce a document that clearly lists your interview question followed by the answers to your question. Use bold face or italics for your questions when you format, so that it is easy to distinguish the question from your answer.
Before you list and answer your 10 questions you must briefly introduce your scientist. Think Barbara Walters on a 20/20 special. There is always an introduction of sorts before she starts “grilling” her “victim” The introduction should mention why your scientist was revolutionary. It should NOT include the answer to any of your 10 questions.
4. You will present your “interview” to the class (please choose a partner to be Barbara and you will take on the role of your scientist). Bonus points will be awarded to those who get into character and show a high level of creativity (costumes and props are encouraged!). You must also pass in a hard copy of this assignment to me.
Thusday, Nov.19
Section 1 and 2 notes (slideshow)
Homework: Section 1 Study guide and section quiz
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, Nov.18th Homework
1. Describe how people viewed the universe before the Scientific Revolution of the 1600’s. Who influenced the people’s minds and why?
Give a detailed description of each of the following people:
Nicolaus Copernicus
Johannes Kepler
Galileo Galilei
Francis Bacon
Rene Descartes
Isaac Newton
Claudius Galen
Andreas Vesalius
William Harvey
Robert Hooke
Robert Boyle
Joseph Priestly
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Hugo Grotius
3. What is Natural Law, Deism, Hypotheses and Scientific Method?
4. How did the Scientific Revolution of the 1600’s influence the idea of Natural Law?
Feature Study (article)
• 8 ½ by 11
• Clear/concise title
• Clear picture with caption and text
• Neat, attractive, not overcrowed
• Your name is to be provided in small text at the bottom of the display, together with your source(s) in proper citation.
You are to produce a feature study like the ones in your textbook, but on a topic not covered by the text features. Your feature should be visually interesting, providing extra insight into material drawn from or in addition to your textbook. Your sources will be from the internet, library, etc. You may photocopy or paste on pictures, but you may not copy text from your source or simply download something from the internet. You will be asked to produce a properly formatted Works Cited as well as a copy of all articles used for your study (please make note if the books used were from a library other than our school library). To get ideas for this assignment, you should look through the index in your textbook. You must choose a topic of historical interest in the modern period. Treat 1950 as your approximate cut-off date in recent history. Please have all topics pre-approved by me in advance – first come, first serve.
Feature Study Evaluation
Visually interesting (lay-out, labeling, attractiveness) /3
Content (focused, sufficient material, original thought) /3
Documentation (text/visual sourcing) /2
Format (size, neatness, historical period) /2
Total: /10 (although it is only out of 10 -- it will be considered a 'major' assignment -- worth much more than a 'minor' assignment (in-class assignment, web assignment etc.)
Mon, Tue, Wed Recap!
Monday: In class assignment Ch.17 Sections 3 and 4
Tuesday: Computer Lab -- Introduced new assignment due Monday (Feature Article). Gave out hard copy of criteria to students (must sign up for your topic)
Wednesday: Ch.19 Sections 1 and 2 questions for homework (will post separately)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Essay Outline template
Outline Template
Thesis statement (include in introduction): ______________________________________________________________
2._________________________(topic sentence)
A.________________________ (supporting point)
B.________________________ (supporting point)
C.________________________ (supporting point)
3.__________________________ (topic sentence)
A.________________________ (supporting point)
B.________________________ (supporting point)
C.________________________ (supporting point)
4.___________________________ (topic sentence)
A.________________________ (supporting point)
B.________________________ (supporting point)
C.________________________ (supporting point)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Midterm Exam
I hope everyone is enjoying their day off by taking a few moments to remember the sacrifices so many people made so that we could be free.
On Monday I handed out an outline for the essay component of your exam. I will be giving you the same copy to fill out (worth marks) on exam day. You cannot bring in your already completed outline; however, you would be wise to take the time to plan out your essay and fill out the outline template in advance.
You will be expected to write both a rough and final draft of your essay.
I only had one student approach me about doing an alternate question for the exam; therefore, everyone else will be approaching their essay using one of the 6 questions I developed.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Chapter 17 Section II Review Questions Answer Key
1. Balance of power: system in which nations keep peace by maintaining a power that is equal to rival nations.
2. Henry VII: First Tudor monarch; Henry VIII: son of Henry VII; Edward VI: son of Henry VIII; Elizabeth I: daughter of Henry VIII who became Queen; William Shakepeare: Elizabethan poet and dramatist; Poor Laws: 1597-1601 laws that made local areas responsible for caring for disadvantaged; James I: Protestant son of Mary Queen of Scots, succeeded Elizabeth I.
4. How did Tudor monarchs restore order and respect for their throne?
A: Consolidated their power through reform of domestic and foreign policies.
5. What was Elizabeth I’s foreign policy?
A: Balance of power principle
6. Contrast the effect on English history of Henry VIII’s many marriages with the effect of his daughter’s refusal to marry.
A: Henry VIII’s many marriages caused split with Catholic Church; Elizabeth’s refusal to marry prevented foreign claims.
7. Explain how the rule of Elizabeth I and the Tudor monarchy affected England.
A: Elizabeth strengthened monarch ties with Parliament, subdued religious dissent and used balance of power diplomacy.
History Folder Assignments
“History’s Greatest”
Study Skills Module
Luther Letter
My Utopia
"New World"
Early explorer journal entry
Canadian Gov't surplus
Hapsburg Imbreeding
Friday, November 6, 2009
Midterm Advance Essay Questions
Kate J. Flick
History 521A Fall 2009
You should be able to deal with ONE of these questions on your exam. You are expected to prepare your essay of about 400 words in advance so that you are able to write a well-organized and well-written essay valued at 50% of your exam. No materials may be brought into the exam room to assist you with writing your essay. You will be asked to prepare an outline for your essay which will be worth marks.
1. Explain the origins of the Renaissance in Italy and the spread of its influence throughout the remainder of Europe using specific information to support your discussion. Show how specific ideas, inventions, and art were influential in changing society.
2. Discuss the Protestant Reformation – how it began and how it spread in Europe. Consider the impact this had on society, the state and the Church. How did religious division affect countries in Europe and the new colonies?
3. Discuss the idea of mercantilism. How did it operate? Discuss the relationship between mercantilism and the expansion of empires. Discuss trade and the development of colonies and new financial institutions in Europe. You should also touch on the role slavery played in this economy.
4. In the second term we will be studying revolutions in England, France, and America. From your study in term one, consider the factors that point to conditions for revolution. You will need to consider absolutism, colonialism, and the rise of the merchant or middle class power and wealth as well as the condition of the poorer countries.
5. How were the ideas of Machiavelli (see pgs. 186-89) influential or identifiable in the behavior of European rulers in this period, especially the absolute monarchs? Comment on the effects of his ideas, positive or negative. You will have to read the selection from The Prince (386-89).
6. If you have an essay question of your own you would like to propose, write out the question and bring it to me for review and approval. This must be done in advance (I will not accept proposals the day of the exam).
Please do not hesitate to approach me with ideas/questions concerning this essay. I will not, however, read drafts of your essay. Remember that the quality of your essay depends greatly on the thinking you do during its preparation. You should create an outline and draft of your essay to help you prepare. During this exam, there is sufficient time to outline, draft and re-write your essay if you have done your planning properly.
Basic criteria for the essay:
Proper essay format (must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs); well organized
Proofread and edited
Carefully organized around a clear thesis
Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs
Originality of insight and evidence of additional research will earn points.
Midterm Review
The midterm will cover the following material:
o Middle Ages (notes and Ch.11 questions)
o Chapter 15 (notes, questions)
o Chapter 16 (notes, questions, worksheets)
o Chapter 17 – sections 1-3 (notes, questions, worksheets)
You should make use of the following material to prepare for your exam:
Chapter Tests
Section Review Questions
Chapter Review Questions
All notes given in class
All Chapter reviews (given out before tests)
Content of the Exam:
Multiple Choice
Fill in the Blanks
Short Answer
Essay Question (5 paragraph minimum to be prepared in advance).
Please use all chapter review sheets as a review for this midterm exam. You are responsible for all information covered over this first term. For the middle ages, please review all notes and questions (Ch.11).
Chapter 17: Royal Power and Conflict (sections 1-3)
Section 1 ~ Spain
1. Who is Philip II and what was his role in shaping Spain during the late 16th and 17th centuries? Why did Philip II have difficulty ruling the Spanish empire?
2. What is absolutism (absolute monarch) and why did it exist? What were some positive and negative implications of absolute monarchy?
3. Be able to discuss Philip II’s religious policies and Spain’s battles at sea (Spanish Armada).
Section 2 ~ England
1. Describe the role of the early Tudor family, their role in British society, and how they ruled (ie: policies and approach to governing).
2. What was Elizabeth I? What impact did she have on society? What did she mean by England is my only mistress? How did she affect the balance of power?
Section 3 ~ France
1. Who were Henry IV, Cardinal Richelieu, and Louis XIV? What positive and negative impacts did these individuals have on France?
2. Be able to discuss why uniformity was important during 17th century France. What institutions expressed uniformity?
3. What is Louis XIV’s legacy? What was his desire for Versailles?
Friday, November 6
Passed out Midterm Review and Advance Essay questions (hard copy to each student)
Exam: Friday, Nov.14 A.M
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday, Oct.5
Went through slideshow on section II
Sheet for homework: Section I Study Guide
In-class assignment tomorrow in class (worth marks)
Please have parents sign your H1N1 vaccination forms if you are interested in getting the vaccine.
Flick Fun Fact: One in ten people (around the world) live on an island.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wed. Oct.4
Went through Section I slideshow -- discussion
Passed out article relating to the Hapsburg Dynasty
Folder Assignment: Do a brief summary of the article and identify its relation to what we are studying in history now (Ch.17). (link to articl -- cut and paste into browser).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 3, 2009
Please be advised that there is school on Friday of this week (PD postponed due to
H1N1 vaccinations).
Homework: Read Ch. 17 Section I
Complete: Pg.418 C.17 Section Review #'s 1-7; omit #3)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, Oct.2
Ch.16 Review (Answers below)
Started copying notes for Ch.17 Section I
Chapter 16 Review Answers
1. In the triangular trade, ships carried goods from Europe to Africa, trading the cargo for slaves. Then the ships sailed to the Americas. This middle leg of the voyage was called the middle passage. Ships unloaded their cargo in the Americas and returned to Europe carrying bullion or raw materials.
2. Mercantilism was a theory that the power of a nation depended on the wealth it controlled. A major source of wealth was bullion (gold and silver). Nations treid to amass bullion and maintain a favorable difference in value between a nation’s imports and exports.
3. A cartographer is a mapmaker. Cartographers working the 1500’s and 1600’s relied on information from discovery expeditions to make their maps.
4. Circumnavigation is a complete circling of the earth by ship. One of Magellan’s ships made the first circumnavigation of the world and proved that the world’s oceans were connected.
5. A conquistador, or conqueror, was a Spanish adventurer who traveled to the Americas for personal riches, glory, and to convert the inhabitants to Christianity.
6. An entrepreneur is an individual who raises capital, provides ideas for businesses, and takes risks to make a profit. In the 1600’s entrepreneurs invested in businesses connected with discovery voyages.
7. To raise capital for voyages, a joint-stock company was formed in which groups of investors pooled their money to pay the costs and limit the risks involved in overseas voyages.
8. The line of demarcation was an imaginary line drawn on a world map by the pope in 1493. It gave Spain control of the lands to the west of this line; Portugal, the lands to the east.
Reviewing Facts
1.How did Prince Henry the Navigator inspire early Portuguese expeditions along the west coast of Africa?
A: He set up a school for navigators, gathered scientists, and sent ships along the coast.
2. What improvements were incorporated in the European caravel?
A:The caravel used triangular sails, multiple masts, a stern-operated rudder, and a shallow draft that enabled it to go into inlets and to beach for repairs.
4. What European countries showed the biggest increase in business activity in the 1600’s?
A: Portugal, Spain,England, and the Netherlands
5. What was the middle passage like for enslaved Africans?
A: It was a psychological and physical ordeal in which captives were packed into the hold of a ship for a voyage across the Atlantic.
6. What was the chief difference between French and English aims for their colonies?
A: The French were interested in trade; England started settlements for raw materials.
7. What factors motivated European settlers who went to the Americas?
A: Settlers weremotivated by religious persectution, land and riches.
8. How did a joint-stock company enable small investors to profit from a major voyage?
A: They reduced the risk of individual investors.
Thinking Critically
3. How would the colonies have been different if Europeans had not used slave labour?
A: Possible answer: The colonies wouldhave been smaller and not as economically sucessful. Fewer Europeans would have gone there.
5. How did the influx of wealth from the colonies help bring about the Commercial Revolution?
A: Entrepreneurs needed banking services to help them transact business outside Europe.
6. What were the results of Magellan’s circumnavigation?
A: Magellan’s voyage led to further exploration of the Americas, provided information to cartographers, and proved the world was round.
Analyzing Concepts
2. How did European exploration and colonization affect changes in world populations?
A. Europeans brought diseases for which Native Americans had no immunities. Large populations of native peoples died from disease – others died in battle.
3. How did the Commercial Revolution encourage more voyages of exploration and colonization?
A: It was easier to finance such voyages and more people could profit from them.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, Oct.30
Today we finished discussing Ch.16 section III notes (slideshow)
Passed out Section III worksheet (complete for homework)
Passed out Chapter 16 Review Sheet (see prior post)
Ch.16 Section III Review Questions 1-4
Ch.16 Test is now moved to Tuesday due to the lack of work accomplished with the substitute (not all your fault -- I know).
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Chapter 16 Review Sheet
Chapter 16 Review
To study for your test please read chapter 16 and review all notes, questions and hand-outs. You should also be able to identify all important people and terms mentioned in the chapter.
Things to study:
Section 1 ~ Early Explorations
Explain why Europeans risked dangerous ocean voyages to discover new sea routes and explore other lands. ( trade, commerce, spread of language, customs, traditions, and religion, the quest for new technologies etc)
Discuss the expeditions of both Spain and Portugal. What were they seeking? How did they, as beginning states, support expeditions?
Discuss the innovations made in navigation. How did navigational techniques change/evolve?
Discuss Columbus’ voyages. What was his motivation? Did he achieve his ultimate goal?
Section 2 ~ Overseas Empires
Discuss the concept of colonization. Was it a seen as a positive or a negative implication of discovering new worlds? Were newly discovered people and lands exploited? If so, how?
What were the implications of slave trade? Describe the middle passage and what is meant by the triangular trade concept.
Section 3 ~ Expanding Horizons
What was/is commercial revolution? Describe business methods and banking practices of the 1500-1600’s. (Banking families government-chartered banks joint-stock companies)
What is mercantilism? What role did colonies have in a mercantilist system?
Describe the social/religious trends of the 1600’s in Europe. What new products were available? Who had the best quality of life? Treatment of peasants?
Thursday, Oct.29
I am assuming the following was completed (worked on) in class today:
Worksheet "Empire and Exploration"
Ch.16 Section III Review Questions (1-4)
"Entrepreneur of the Year" assignment (hard copy handed out in class)
Entrepreneur of the Year
Imagine that you are an entrepreneur living during the 1600’s. Invent a way in which you can make profits by using your capital and talents. Please read Ch.16 in your textbook (pg.406-407 focuses on entrepreneurialism). Feel free to do any additional research on your own.
Your mission is to write an informal proposal for your new invention/business. Your proposal must demonstrate your knowledge of entrepreneurship and should contain the following information:
• Introduction to your business opportunity (Brief description, background information)
• Distinctive features of your product/service/business (what makes it unique)
• Key marketing strategies (How will you market your product? How will you get people to buy/use your product? Advertisements?)
• Target Audience (Who will buy your product/use your service? etc.)
• Financial Requirements (How much money will it potentially take to get your product/business started?)
**To be successful in this assignment you must define your target audience(ie: traders, other entrepreneurs, bankers, navigators, cartographers, merchants, religious leaders, slaves, etc.) and determine whether your product/business will be useful to them.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wed. Oct.28th
What might happen if the Canadian government suddenly had more money than it needed to run the country?
How might that condition affect our country and the lives of individuals? (During the Age of Exploration, Europeans found themselves with an abundance of money in a short period of time.)
We started to discuss Ch.16 Section III notes (slideshow)
Ch.16 Test is on Monday -- Please begin reviewing all notes and worksheets...and read your textbooks.
Flick Fun Fact: Pencils do not actually contain any lead (it's carbon).
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Discussed Section II notes (hand-out)
Passed out hard copy of Section III notes
Passed out worksheet -- Section III--(for homework)
Flick Fun Fact:
The oldest known dog died at the age of 29. Woof.
Chapter 16 Section II Review Questions Answer Key
Page: 405
• Conquistador: Spanish conqueror
• Triangular trade: trade voyages – ships sailed a triangular course (refer to class notes)
• Middle passage: second leg of triangular trade in which ships transported slaves to the Americas.
• Pedro Alvares Cabral: discovered Brazil
• Henry Hudson: claimed Hudson River Valley for the Netherlands
• Hernan Cortes: conquered the Aztec
• Moctezuma II: Aztec ruler
• Francisco Pizarro:conquered the Incas
• Atahualpa: Inca ruler
• Hernando de Soto: explored Mississippi River
• Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: explored Mexico and southwest U.S
• Giovanni da Verazano: explored North American coast
• Jacques Cartier: claimed eastern Canada for France
• Samuel de Champlain: founder of Quebec
• Jacques Marquette and Louis Joilet: explored the Mississippi
• John Cabot: claimed Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New England for England.
3. Where did the Portuguese and Dutch establish empires?
A: Portugal: Persian Gulf, coast of India, Moluccas, China, Japan
Dutch: Java, East Indies, Moluccas
4. What goals had the Spanish for an American empire?
A: To exploit wealth
5. Compare and Contrast the treatment of Native Americans in the colonies of Spain, France,and and England.
A: Spain converted Native Americans, France traded with them, England fought them.
6. What impact did the slave trade have on Europeans who had large amounts of property?
A: Plantations profited from slave labor.
7. What motivated Europeans to move from their countries to the Americas?
A: For glory, riches; to convert inhabitants to Christianity; to gain religious freedom.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Chapter 16 Section I Review Questions Answer Key
• Cartographer: mapmaker
• Line of demarcation: imaginary line extending from the North Pole to the South Pole that divided newly discovered lands between the Spanish and Portuguese
• Circumnavigation: circling the globe by ship
• Henry the Navigator: Portuguese Prince who set up first school for navigators and organized discovery expeditions
• Dias: led first expedition to round Cape of Good Hope
• Da Gama: First Portuguese sailor to reach India
• Columbus: Italian explorer who reached the Americas in 1492
• Magellan: his crew first to circumnavigate the globe
4. Why did Portugal and Spain want to find a sea route to Asia:?
• The promise of riches from spice trade and the desire to spread Christianity
5. Do as a journal entry in history folder
6. Predict what would have happened to Columbus if there had been no land between Spain and Asia.
• The expedition might have run out of fresh water and food.
7. What sciences and new technologies helped sailors to venture into the open ocean and led to European voyages of exploration?
• Technologies: the compass, astrolabe, improved maps, caravels; sciences: cartography, mathematics, astronomy.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Handed out hard copy of Ch.16 Section II notes to all students
Homework: Ch.16 Section II Review Questions (pg.405) #'s 1-5 & 7
For those who did not pass in their Printing Press Assignment, here is the criteria again:
Printing Press Advertisment
Create an informative advertisement for the printing press – a print ad with illustrations to promote its use and acceptance during the 1400s.
Create a commercial promoting the printing press that you will perform in class (you must hand in a script).
Your advertisement must:
o Include both print and illustrations (advertisement only).
o Effectively convey the uses and benefits of the printing press
o Capture your audience’s attention
***You must list all sources used on the back of your advertisment (textbook, internet sites, books, etc.)
***If you choose to do the commercial you can film it and present it to the class or act it out. Please use props and costumes whenever possible.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wed. Oct. 21, 2009
Read Ch.16 Section I
Worked on Section II worsheet (due for tomorrow)
Passed back Printing Press Assignment
Folder Assignments that we have done so far:
“History’s Greatest”
Study Skills Module
Luther Letter
My Utopia
"New World"
Early explorer journal entry
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm Back! Tuesday, Oct. 20th
Started copying and discussing Ch.16 Section I notes (powerpoint presentation. I am now trying to put all notes on powerpoint, so I will not be able to give out notes if you miss a class. It will be your responsibility to get the notes from someone in the class (you can copy or photocopy them).
The Profile of an Artist was due today -- For all those who must resubmit with proper intext citations and a works cited, please do so tomorrow or a late penalty will apply. Please use the following link to properly format your assignment (citations/works cited) When you get to this site you can click on "Humanities" and then " Documenting Sources'. Please use the left-hand side margin to navigate the page and find useful information. If you wish to cite your paper using footnotes (proper history format) by clicking on "History" and "Documenting Sources".
Please navigate the above site -- if you look around it should answer any question you have regarding documentation. I am looking for the following in your paper:
1. A citation after every thought/idea Example: (Flick 9) Tells me the author's name and the page number where I can find the info.
2. Works Cited (see Diana Hacker website above)
Homework: Exploration and Empire worksheet, Ch.16 Section I Review questions -- Pg.399 #'s 1,2,4 &6 Do number 5 as a journal entry and put in history folder (worth marks).
I WILL be doing a SURPRISE homework check tomorrow (surprise!) so please have all your work completed.
Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Some people in History 521A need to start pulling their socks up..........
History 521
Profile of an Artist
Due Date:
Length: 400-500 words (about two pages typed)
Font: 12 font
Spacing: double-spaced
Title Page: required
Documentation: MLA or footnotes (you must document EVERY thought or idea!!)
Choose an artist from the Renaissance (approximately 1350-1550), and prepare a well-written, well-researched essay detailing the events and accomplishments of his/her life.
Make sure to include such basic biographical information as:
• Date of birth
• Significant childhood events (if available)
• Birth place
• Education
• Relationship with parents
• Vocation
• Significant career achievements
• Year and circumstances of death
• Interesting or little known facts
Also include a more sophisticated analysis of the artist’s place in history. What is his/her lasting contribution to the word of art? Why are they remembered centuries after their death? How did their work reflect the values and ideas of the Renaissance?
You are free to choose any artist from the period in question, as long as they were considered to be part of the European Renaissance. Some suggestions are:
Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci
Donatello Massacio
Raphael Botticelli
Brunelleschi Jan Van Eyck
Verrocchio Titian
Ghiberti Fra Filippo Lippi
* The term artist (in this context) refers to painters, sculptors, and architects.
Important: You must use a minimum of 2 sources (internet, textbook, articles, books, etc.) and include ALL sources with your final copy. **Please print a copy of all articles used and hand them in with your paper.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday, Oct.13, 2009
Profile of an artist is now due next Monday, October 20th
Terry Fox run tomorrow weather permitting
Flick Fun Fact of the Day:
Most comsmetic lipsticks contain fish scales. Pucker up:)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Ch.15 Review (I passed this out in class today)
Chapter 15 Review
To study for your test please read chapter 15 and review all notes,questions and hand-outs. You should also comprehend all important people and terms mentioned in the chapter.
The test will have the following format:
Section A ~ Fill In The Blank
Section B ~ Identify (important figures in the chapter)
Section C ~ Short Answer
** There will be no essay question for this particular test.
Things to study:
Section 1 ~ The Italian Renaissance
Know what the Renaissance is and how it led to the flourishing or art and ideas in Italy.
What was life like during the Italian Renaissance? Be able to describe the similarities and difference between Rome, Venice, and Florence.
Know some artistic achievements. ie: architecture - cathedrals
sculpture – human anatomy, realistic portrayals
painting - changes in expression
Section 2 ~ The Northern Renaissance
How were ideas spread during the age of the Renaissance?
Difference between Humanism and Christian Humanism.
Characteristics of the French and English Renaissance.
Section 3 ~ The Protestant Reformation
Know Martin Luther’s criticisms of the church and the development of Lutheranism.
Section 4 ~ The Spread of Protestantism
Characteristics of the Swiss (Zwingli and Calvin) who brought reforms to the church.(ie: predestination)
Explain how and why the Church of England separated from Rome.
Section 5 ~ The Catholic Reformation
Examine the Catholic Church’s response to the Protestant Reformation.
What was the responsibility of the Council of Trent? What were its results?
How did the Catholic Church attempt to halt the spread of Protestantism?
Thursday, Oct.8/09
Sorry for the late post but Blogger was down at school AGAIN. So frustrating! Here are the answers for the section 5 review questions:
1. Seminary: training school for priests
Baroque: Style of art and music inspired by the Catholic Reformation (exaggerated, asymmetrical)
2. Pope Paul III: established Council of Trent
Ignatius Loyola: founded Society of Jesus (Jesuits – black robes, simple lives, answered to Pope only).
3. What educational opportunities did the Jesuits provide?
A: To learn Roman Catholic theology and philosophy, as well as mathematics,linquistics and many sciences.
4. What new style of art and music was sparked by the Catholic Reformation?
A: Baroque – generally characterized by asymmetry and dramatic exaggeration
5. List any three of the reforms proposed by the Council of Trent. Beside each give the Protestant viewpoint to which it responded.
A:Declared LatinVulgate translation of Bible authoritative: Protestants read translations
Forbade selling of indulgences: Protestants criticized the abused practice.
Declared that no one could achieve salvation by faith alone: Protestants taught justification by faith.
6. Were the Jesuits effective in maintaining the power of Catholicism throughout Europe? Explain specifically why or why not.
A: Sample: The Inquisition back-fired on the Church, further entrenching Protestantism in Europe rather than eradicating it.
A: Sample: They were able to recruit some people to convert to Catholicism, yet they did not halt the spread of Protestantism fully.
Feel free to complete the following Ch.15 Review questions to prepare for the test:
Using Key Terms 1-6
Reviewing Facts 1-6
Thinking Critically 1 & 2
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wed. October, 7
- New assignment: Profile of an Artist (see previous post) -- Due next Wednesday, Oct.14
- Printing Press assignment due tomorrow
- Group section projects due tomorrow
- Test Friday
Profile of an Artist Assignment
Please use today's class in the computer lab to research your chosen artist.
Assignment due: Wednesday, October 14th
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
- Homework check
- Discussed section 5 questions 1-6
- Discussed section 5 notes
- Assigned Section 5 questions 1-6 (Homework)
- Ch.15 Test on Friday
- Printing Press Assignment: Thursday
- Group Presentations (Section group work) Thursday.
Monday, October 5, 2009
October 5, 2009
- Overhead group work (Calvin vs. Henry VIII)
- Ch.15 section 5 notes
- Click here to download Section 4 notes: 15s4notes.rtf
- Worked on Ch.15 Section 4 review questions: 1-6 (for homework)
- Worked on Printing Press Assignment (due Thursday)
- Ch.15 test is on Friday (start reviewing your notes now!)
- Please download section 5 notes here:
Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Honeybees don't sleep.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Friday, October 2,2009
- Reviewed Section 4 notes on overhead
- Click link to download notes:
- Printing Press Assignment is due next Thursday.
- No Flick Fun Fact of they Day because you were TOO NOISY. :)
- Review notes -- chapter test next week!!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
- Corrected Section III questions (discussion)
- Assignment:
Imagine you are a German living in the 1500s. Write a letter about the reforms of Luther and their implications for the future of Catholicism in Germany. You can write this letter from either a “Lutheran” or “Catholic” viewpoint. Your letter must:
1. Double-spaced (typed or handwritten using ink)
2. In correct ‘friendly letter format’
3. Obviously written from either a Lutheran or Catholic viewpoint
4. Include a minimum of 6 historical facts relating to the subject matter.
5. Please underline and number each historical fact or reference.
Length: 1 1/2-2pgs handwritten; 1-1 1/2 pgs. typed (double-spaced).
This is a folder assignment; please fill out your history folder log sheet and put you completed letter in your folder.
We have another assignment due next week which will be assigned tomorrow and our Ch.15 test will be next week. Please start reviewing all your notes!:)
Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Horses can't vomit and pigs can't look up in the sky
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, Sept.30
- Homework check: "Utopia" assignment -- please put in folder
- Some students shared their assignments aloud
- Discussed answers to section II review questions
- Discussed section III notes
Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Honeybees never sleep
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
September 29, 2009
I was sick yesterday and did not update the blog:(
- Today in class we discussed Ch.15 Section II notes
- Did an activity on the overhead comparing the forms of gov't for the 3 main city states of Renaissance Italy.
- Homework: "Utopia" activity:
Please describe your utopian society in great detail:
What would it look like?
Where would it be located?
Who would live there?
How would this society be governed? (Form of government?)
How would people be punished if they did not abide by these rules?
Please write a slogan for your society. A statement that effectively conveys what your society is about.
I will be doing a homework check tomorrow, so please have the rough draft finished for tomorrow.
Flick Fun Fact of the Day:The new 787 Boeing was revealed on 7/8/07 or July 8th, 07.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, Sept.25
- SSR 20 minutes (school-wide)
- Renaissance Web assignment (completed and passed in) See previous blog post for more information
- Homework: Section II Review Questions #'s 1,2,3,4 & 6
- Happy Weekend!
- Flick's Fun Fact of the Day: A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.
Web Assignment
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
September 23
- Finished copying Ch.15; Section 1 notes (finally!!)
- Discussed notes
- Keep working on your "component" of the group project (due sometime next week).
Please click the above link to download (and print) section 2 notes. We will discuss them in class tomorrow.
Flick Fun Fact of the Day: All swans in England are the property of the queen or king (no lie!)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
- Passed back quizzes (had to pass back in b/c not all students have completed their quiz).
- Group 'section' work -- 15 minutes
- Notes Ch.15; section1 (still copying's neverending...I know!)
- Homework: Section I Review #'s 1,2,3&6 (homework check tomorrow).
- Flick Fun Fact of the Day: You can only fold a standard piece of paper 7 times.....try it!:)
Yesterday I introduced the "section group work" which we will complete every chapter. The class spent the rest of the period in groups working on their project.