Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, Oct.30

Happy Early Halloween!!

Today we finished discussing Ch.16 section III notes (slideshow)
Passed out Section III worksheet (complete for homework)
Passed out Chapter 16 Review Sheet (see prior post)
Ch.16 Section III Review Questions 1-4
Ch.16 Test is now moved to Tuesday due to the lack of work accomplished with the substitute (not all your fault -- I know).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 16 Review Sheet

History 521A-01
Chapter 16 Review

To study for your test please read chapter 16 and review all notes, questions and hand-outs. You should also be able to identify all important people and terms mentioned in the chapter.

Things to study:

Section 1 ~ Early Explorations

 Explain why Europeans risked dangerous ocean voyages to discover new sea routes and explore other lands. ( trade, commerce, spread of language, customs, traditions, and religion, the quest for new technologies etc)

 Discuss the expeditions of both Spain and Portugal. What were they seeking? How did they, as beginning states, support expeditions?

 Discuss the innovations made in navigation. How did navigational techniques change/evolve?

 Discuss Columbus’ voyages. What was his motivation? Did he achieve his ultimate goal?

Section 2 ~ Overseas Empires

 Discuss the concept of colonization. Was it a seen as a positive or a negative implication of discovering new worlds? Were newly discovered people and lands exploited? If so, how?

 What were the implications of slave trade? Describe the middle passage and what is meant by the triangular trade concept.

Section 3 ~ Expanding Horizons

 What was/is commercial revolution? Describe business methods and banking practices of the 1500-1600’s. (Banking families government-chartered banks  joint-stock companies)

 What is mercantilism? What role did colonies have in a mercantilist system?

 Describe the social/religious trends of the 1600’s in Europe. What new products were available? Who had the best quality of life? Treatment of peasants?

Thursday, Oct.29

I was not in class today, as I had to take my daughter to an appointment.

I am assuming the following was completed (worked on) in class today:

Worksheet "Empire and Exploration"
Ch.16 Section III Review Questions (1-4)
"Entrepreneur of the Year" assignment (hard copy handed out in class)
Entrepreneur of the Year

Imagine that you are an entrepreneur living during the 1600’s. Invent a way in which you can make profits by using your capital and talents. Please read Ch.16 in your textbook (pg.406-407 focuses on entrepreneurialism). Feel free to do any additional research on your own.
Your mission is to write an informal proposal for your new invention/business. Your proposal must demonstrate your knowledge of entrepreneurship and should contain the following information:
• Introduction to your business opportunity (Brief description, background information)
• Distinctive features of your product/service/business (what makes it unique)
• Key marketing strategies (How will you market your product? How will you get people to buy/use your product? Advertisements?)
• Target Audience (Who will buy your product/use your service? etc.)
• Financial Requirements (How much money will it potentially take to get your product/business started?)
**To be successful in this assignment you must define your target audience(ie: traders, other entrepreneurs, bankers, navigators, cartographers, merchants, religious leaders, slaves, etc.) and determine whether your product/business will be useful to them.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wed. Oct.28th

History Folder Assignment: Respond to the following questions in your folder:
What might happen if the Canadian government suddenly had more money than it needed to run the country?

How might that condition affect our country and the lives of individuals? (During the Age of Exploration, Europeans found themselves with an abundance of money in a short period of time.)

We started to discuss Ch.16 Section III notes (slideshow)
Ch.16 Test is on Monday -- Please begin reviewing all notes and worksheets...and read your textbooks.

Flick Fun Fact: Pencils do not actually contain any lead (it's carbon).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Homework Check on Section II Questions
Discussed Section II notes (hand-out)
Passed out hard copy of Section III notes
Passed out worksheet -- Section III--(for homework)
Flick Fun Fact:
The oldest known dog died at the age of 29. Woof.

Chapter 16 Section II Review Questions Answer Key

Ch.16 Section II Review Questions Answer Key
Page: 405
• Conquistador: Spanish conqueror
• Triangular trade: trade voyages – ships sailed a triangular course (refer to class notes)
• Middle passage: second leg of triangular trade in which ships transported slaves to the Americas.
• Pedro Alvares Cabral: discovered Brazil
• Henry Hudson: claimed Hudson River Valley for the Netherlands
• Hernan Cortes: conquered the Aztec
• Moctezuma II: Aztec ruler
• Francisco Pizarro:conquered the Incas
• Atahualpa: Inca ruler
• Hernando de Soto: explored Mississippi River
• Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: explored Mexico and southwest U.S
• Giovanni da Verazano: explored North American coast
• Jacques Cartier: claimed eastern Canada for France
• Samuel de Champlain: founder of Quebec
• Jacques Marquette and Louis Joilet: explored the Mississippi
• John Cabot: claimed Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New England for England.

3. Where did the Portuguese and Dutch establish empires?
A: Portugal: Persian Gulf, coast of India, Moluccas, China, Japan
Dutch: Java, East Indies, Moluccas

4. What goals had the Spanish for an American empire?
A: To exploit wealth

5. Compare and Contrast the treatment of Native Americans in the colonies of Spain, France,and and England.
A: Spain converted Native Americans, France traded with them, England fought them.

6. What impact did the slave trade have on Europeans who had large amounts of property?
A: Plantations profited from slave labor.

7. What motivated Europeans to move from their countries to the Americas?
A: For glory, riches; to convert inhabitants to Christianity; to gain religious freedom.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chapter 16 Section I Review Questions Answer Key

Ch.16 Section I Review Questions
• Cartographer: mapmaker
• Line of demarcation: imaginary line extending from the North Pole to the South Pole that divided newly discovered lands between the Spanish and Portuguese
• Circumnavigation: circling the globe by ship

• Henry the Navigator: Portuguese Prince who set up first school for navigators and organized discovery expeditions
• Dias: led first expedition to round Cape of Good Hope
• Da Gama: First Portuguese sailor to reach India
• Columbus: Italian explorer who reached the Americas in 1492
• Magellan: his crew first to circumnavigate the globe

4. Why did Portugal and Spain want to find a sea route to Asia:?
• The promise of riches from spice trade and the desire to spread Christianity
5. Do as a journal entry in history folder
6. Predict what would have happened to Columbus if there had been no land between Spain and Asia.
• The expedition might have run out of fresh water and food.
7. What sciences and new technologies helped sailors to venture into the open ocean and led to European voyages of exploration?
• Technologies: the compass, astrolabe, improved maps, caravels; sciences: cartography, mathematics, astronomy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Finished copying and discussing Ch.16 Section I notes
Handed out hard copy of Ch.16 Section II notes to all students
Homework: Ch.16 Section II Review Questions (pg.405) #'s 1-5 & 7

For those who did not pass in their Printing Press Assignment, here is the criteria again:

Printing Press Advertisment

 Create an informative advertisement for the printing press – a print ad with illustrations to promote its use and acceptance during the 1400s.


 Create a commercial promoting the printing press that you will perform in class (you must hand in a script).

Your advertisement must:

o Include both print and illustrations (advertisement only).
o Effectively convey the uses and benefits of the printing press
o Capture your audience’s attention

***You must list all sources used on the back of your advertisment (textbook, internet sites, books, etc.)
***If you choose to do the commercial you can film it and present it to the class or act it out. Please use props and costumes whenever possible.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wed. Oct. 21, 2009

Homework Check (sheet and review questions)
Read Ch.16 Section I
Worked on Section II worsheet (due for tomorrow)
Passed back Printing Press Assignment

Folder Assignments that we have done so far:
“History’s Greatest”
Study Skills Module
Luther Letter
My Utopia
"New World"
Early explorer journal entry

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Back! Tuesday, Oct. 20th

I am back after missing the last two classes -- I will attempt to do a re-cap!

Started copying and discussing Ch.16 Section I notes (powerpoint presentation. I am now trying to put all notes on powerpoint, so I will not be able to give out notes if you miss a class. It will be your responsibility to get the notes from someone in the class (you can copy or photocopy them).

The Profile of an Artist was due today -- For all those who must resubmit with proper intext citations and a works cited, please do so tomorrow or a late penalty will apply. Please use the following link to properly format your assignment (citations/works cited) When you get to this site you can click on "Humanities" and then " Documenting Sources'. Please use the left-hand side margin to navigate the page and find useful information. If you wish to cite your paper using footnotes (proper history format) by clicking on "History" and "Documenting Sources".

Please navigate the above site -- if you look around it should answer any question you have regarding documentation. I am looking for the following in your paper:
1. A citation after every thought/idea Example: (Flick 9) Tells me the author's name and the page number where I can find the info.
2. Works Cited (see Diana Hacker website above)

Homework: Exploration and Empire worksheet, Ch.16 Section I Review questions -- Pg.399 #'s 1,2,4 &6 Do number 5 as a journal entry and put in history folder (worth marks).

I WILL be doing a SURPRISE homework check tomorrow (surprise!) so please have all your work completed.

Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Some people in History 521A need to start pulling their socks up..........

History 521

Profile of an Artist

Due Date:
Length: 400-500 words (about two pages typed)
Font: 12 font
Spacing: double-spaced
Title Page: required
Documentation: MLA or footnotes (you must document EVERY thought or idea!!)

Choose an artist from the Renaissance (approximately 1350-1550), and prepare a well-written, well-researched essay detailing the events and accomplishments of his/her life.

Make sure to include such basic biographical information as:

• Date of birth
• Significant childhood events (if available)
• Birth place
• Education
• Relationship with parents
• Vocation
• Significant career achievements
• Year and circumstances of death
• Interesting or little known facts

Also include a more sophisticated analysis of the artist’s place in history. What is his/her lasting contribution to the word of art? Why are they remembered centuries after their death? How did their work reflect the values and ideas of the Renaissance?

You are free to choose any artist from the period in question, as long as they were considered to be part of the European Renaissance. Some suggestions are:

Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci
Donatello Massacio
Raphael Botticelli
Brunelleschi Jan Van Eyck
Verrocchio Titian
Ghiberti Fra Filippo Lippi

* The term artist (in this context) refers to painters, sculptors, and architects.

Important: You must use a minimum of 2 sources (internet, textbook, articles, books, etc.) and include ALL sources with your final copy. **Please print a copy of all articles used and hand them in with your paper.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, Oct.13, 2009

Part II of test
Profile of an artist is now due next Monday, October 20th
Terry Fox run tomorrow weather permitting
Flick Fun Fact of the Day:
Most comsmetic lipsticks contain fish scales. Pucker up:)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ch.15 Review (I passed this out in class today)

History 521A-01
Chapter 15 Review

To study for your test please read chapter 15 and review all notes,questions and hand-outs. You should also comprehend all important people and terms mentioned in the chapter.

The test will have the following format:
Section A ~ Fill In The Blank
Section B ~ Identify (important figures in the chapter)
Section C ~ Short Answer
** There will be no essay question for this particular test.

Things to study:

Section 1 ~ The Italian Renaissance

 Know what the Renaissance is and how it led to the flourishing or art and ideas in Italy.
 What was life like during the Italian Renaissance? Be able to describe the similarities and difference between Rome, Venice, and Florence.
 Know some artistic achievements. ie: architecture - cathedrals
 sculpture – human anatomy, realistic portrayals
 painting - changes in expression

Section 2 ~ The Northern Renaissance

 How were ideas spread during the age of the Renaissance?
 Difference between Humanism and Christian Humanism.
 Characteristics of the French and English Renaissance.

Section 3 ~ The Protestant Reformation

 Know Martin Luther’s criticisms of the church and the development of Lutheranism.

Section 4 ~ The Spread of Protestantism

 Characteristics of the Swiss (Zwingli and Calvin) who brought reforms to the church.(ie: predestination)
 Explain how and why the Church of England separated from Rome.

Section 5 ~ The Catholic Reformation

 Examine the Catholic Church’s response to the Protestant Reformation.
 What was the responsibility of the Council of Trent? What were its results?
 How did the Catholic Church attempt to halt the spread of Protestantism?

Thursday, Oct.8/09

Hi all,

Sorry for the late post but Blogger was down at school AGAIN. So frustrating! Here are the answers for the section 5 review questions:

1. Seminary: training school for priests

Baroque: Style of art and music inspired by the Catholic Reformation (exaggerated, asymmetrical)

2. Pope Paul III: established Council of Trent

Ignatius Loyola: founded Society of Jesus (Jesuits – black robes, simple lives, answered to Pope only).

3. What educational opportunities did the Jesuits provide?

A: To learn Roman Catholic theology and philosophy, as well as mathematics,linquistics and many sciences.

4. What new style of art and music was sparked by the Catholic Reformation?

A: Baroque – generally characterized by asymmetry and dramatic exaggeration

5. List any three of the reforms proposed by the Council of Trent. Beside each give the Protestant viewpoint to which it responded.

A:Declared LatinVulgate translation of Bible authoritative: Protestants read translations

Forbade selling of indulgences: Protestants criticized the abused practice.

Declared that no one could achieve salvation by faith alone: Protestants taught justification by faith.

6. Were the Jesuits effective in maintaining the power of Catholicism throughout Europe? Explain specifically why or why not.

A: Sample: The Inquisition back-fired on the Church, further entrenching Protestantism in Europe rather than eradicating it.

A: Sample: They were able to recruit some people to convert to Catholicism, yet they did not halt the spread of Protestantism fully.

Feel free to complete the following Ch.15 Review questions to prepare for the test:


Using Key Terms 1-6

Reviewing Facts 1-6

Thinking Critically 1 & 2

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wed. October, 7

  • New assignment: Profile of an Artist (see previous post) -- Due next Wednesday, Oct.14
  • Printing Press assignment due tomorrow
  • Group section projects due tomorrow
  • Test Friday

Profile of an Artist Assignment

Here is a link to the hand-out for your upcoming assignment (each student received a hard copy of this -- please click the link if you lost your copy).

Please use today's class in the computer lab to research your chosen artist.

Assignment due: Wednesday, October 14th

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

  • Homework check
  • Discussed section 5 questions 1-6
  • Discussed section 5 notes
  • Assigned Section 5 questions 1-6 (Homework)
  • Ch.15 Test on Friday
  • Printing Press Assignment: Thursday
  • Group Presentations (Section group work) Thursday.

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Honeybees don't sleep.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday, October 2,2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009

  • Corrected Section III questions (discussion)
  • Assignment:

Imagine you are a German living in the 1500s. Write a letter about the reforms of Luther and their implications for the future of Catholicism in Germany. You can write this letter from either a “Lutheran” or “Catholic” viewpoint. Your letter must:
1. Double-spaced (typed or handwritten using ink)
2. In correct ‘friendly letter format’
3. Obviously written from either a Lutheran or Catholic viewpoint
4. Include a minimum of 6 historical facts relating to the subject matter.

5. Please underline and number each historical fact or reference.

Length: 1 1/2-2pgs handwritten; 1-1 1/2 pgs. typed (double-spaced).

This is a folder assignment; please fill out your history folder log sheet and put you completed letter in your folder.

We have another assignment due next week which will be assigned tomorrow and our Ch.15 test will be next week. Please start reviewing all your notes!:)

Flick Fun Fact of the Day: Horses can't vomit and pigs can't look up in the sky