Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday, Sept. 30th

Copied Northern Renaissance notes (section II)
CH. 15 Section I review quiz on Monday -- please read the section in your textbook and review ALL notes!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Bank Mark Opportunity: Imagine you are a historian living 500 years from now. We all know that "hindsight is 20/20" -- What would you call this period that we are living in today (2000-present). Please come up with a name and support your answer:)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, Sept 29

Finished copying Ch. 15 section I notes
Started section II notes
Homework: Ch. 15 Section 1 Review #'s 1-4 and 6

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Homework check -- City State Comparison chart
Notes -- Artistic Achievements of the Renaissance

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, Sept. 27

Rome and Venice notes (Renaissance)
City-State Comparison History Folder Assignment (to be completed for homework).

Shout-out to Don-Lad!

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

Watched "Medici Godfathers of the Renaissance" Part II
Completed #2 Viewing sheet
Florence Letter due tomorrow!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, Sept 23

Watched documentary on the Medici family

Completed two worksheets on the documentary

Florence letter is due Tuesday. Please be sure to document all sources that you consult when writing your letter.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Notes on Renaissance (city-states, Medici family, Savonorola)
New assignment: Florence letter (hand-out with criteria/rubric) Due: Tuesday
Sept 27th

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wed. Sept 21

Renaissance notes on Smartboard (discussed and copied)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 20th, 2011

Handed back Middle Ages quiz -- went over answers
Renaissance notes (slideshow)--> copied and discussed
"How Machiavellian Are You?" quiz

Please make sure you bring a 2 pocket folder to class this week to use as your history folder.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, Sept. 19th

Introduction to the Renaissance
Renaissance Man/Woman history folder assignment
Find a partner, and brainstorm a list of individuals today that might be considered a Renaissance man/woman. You must be able to defend your choice (provide a resume of the activities/areas this person excels in). Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Lopez.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, Sept. 16th

Middle Ages Quiz
Discussed History's Greatest Inventions
No Homework -- Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 15th

Groupwork: Brainstorm a list of the top ten inventions of the last 700 years. (We will be discussing your lists later). Be sure to provide a defense for each choice.

Discussed the answers to the Ch.11 Review questions that were for homework
(also did a homework check)

You can pass in your bank mark answers tomorrow (last day!)

Middle Ages Quiz tomorrow!

Bank Mark Opportunity

For a bank mark, please try to find info. on how popes receive their formal names (are they given the name? Do they have any choice?)

Bank Mark is due Friday (please write all info. on a sheet of paper with your name on it).

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tue and Wed Sept 13 and 14th

Copied the rest of notes on The Middle Ages
Assigned questions due Thursday

Went over Middle Age notes
questions are due tomorrow
Chapter 11 Review
Using Key Terms: 1-15 Write in full and use letter.
Reviewing Facts: 2 & 3
Thinking Critically: 1 & 3
Analyzing Concepts: 2 & 4
Geography in History: 3

Middle Ages Quiz Friday!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ini Class Web Assignment

History 521A Ms. Flick
Middle Ages Web Assignment
Go to the web address:
Navigate the website to answer the following questions: (DO NOT print a copy of this page. I want you to answer all questions on a separate piece of paper. All answers MUST be in pen).
1. What two duties did a knight have during the Middle Ages?
2. What was the Code of Chivalry?
3. Name and briefly describe the five (5) steps to knighthood.
4. How many years total did it take to become a knight?
5. What were The Crusades?
6. What were the effects of The Crusades?
7. What were the two main goals of medieval sports?
8. Why was the lower class required to practice archery by law?
9. What utensils did the lower class use to eat their food? Why did they not use spoons?
10. Describe the staple diet of the lower classes.
11. What religion governed the lives of those living in The Middle Ages? Describe its influence.
12. List the pieces of clothing that made up a medieval knight’s wardrobe.
13. List and describe three (3) different methods of torture used during The Middle Ages.
14. Briefly describe the function and design of each of the following siege weapons: ballista, mangonel, battering rams, trebuchets.
15. List three (3) reasons for the decline of feudalism.
16. Explain the development of castles as fortresses.
17. Describe the role of medieval women. What happened if they were not obedient?
18. What was the age of consent for nobility during the Middle Ages?
19. Why did noble women age so quickly during The Middle Ages? What practices would noble women engage in to maintain a youthful appearance?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, Sept. 9

Homework check -- quotations exercise
Copied and discussed notes on the Middle Ages
We were serenaded by Logan (fief song)
Poster assignment is due Monday:)
Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, Sept.7, 2011

Finished copying notes "Why Study History" -- discussed notes
Quotations Activity (finish for homework) -- homework check tomorrow!
Assigned textbooks to the class (to be taken to class each day).

Quotations Poster Assignment:Be sure you choose a quotation that ‘speaks’ to you. Your mission now is to create a poster that:
Clearly displays and highlights your chosen quotation.
Uses images to support and reflect the meaning of the quotation.
You may choose your own quotation if you wish, but it must be approved by me in advance.

You will be evaluated on: overall presentation, creativity, the finished product’s ability to connect to the viewer, and your interpretation of the quotation.
Due date: Monday, Sept.12 2011

Wednesday, Sept. 6

Ice-breakers (adjective name game)
Notes "Why Study History?"

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome to History 521A!

Welcome Everyone:)
I hope you find this blog helpful in keeping you up-to-date on all things History 521:)

Today we did a few ice-breakers to get better acquainted. I was very impressed by your non-verbal communication skills.

The class also completed a student information sheet.

I look forward to spending time with you this semester. Please do not hesitate to chat with me if you have any issues or concerns. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you!

Ms. Flick:)