Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Went over Ch.16 Section II
Passed out Ch.16 Section I and II study guide (due: Wed)
Chapter 16 will be on Thursday
Midterm Exam: Tuesday, Nov. 8th AM 9:30am

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wed. Oct. 26

Passed back marked assignments
Discussed notes on Spice Trade and Early Explorers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, Oct, 25

Talked about Spice Trade during 1400s
In class assignment on the article "The Spice Trade: A Taste of Adventure"
Passed in at the end of class --> worth marks
Profile of an Artist due Monday, Oct. 31st
PT interviews Thursday evening and Friday afternoon

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, Oct. 24th

Printing Press Commercials
Intro to Ch.16
History Folder Assignment
Started Sec.I notes
Profile of an Artist -- Due: Oct. 31st

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wed Oct. 19th

Chapter 15 Test
Monday: We will be doing our 20 minutes of silent reading on Monday in lieu of today.
Printing Press Commercial is due Monday
Profile of an Artist is due next Friday

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chapter 5 Section 5 Review Questions

Chapter 15: Section 5
Review Questions

1. Seminary: training school for priests
Baroque: Style of art and music inspired by the Catholic Reformation (exaggerated,asymmetrical)

2. Pope Paul III: established Council of Trent
Ignatius Loyola: founded Society of Jesus (Jesuits – black robes, simple lives, answered to Pope only).

3. What educational opportunities did the Jesuits provide?
A: To learn Roman Catholic theology and philosophy, as well as mathematics,linquistics and many sciences.

4. What new style of art and music was sparked by the Catholic Reformation?
A: Baroque – generally characterized by asymmetry and dramatic exaggeration

5. List any three of the reforms proposed by the Council of Trent. Beside each give the Protestant viewpoint to which it responded.
A:Declared LatinVulgate translation of Bible authoritative: Protestants read translation in vernacular;
Forbade selling of indulgences: Protestants criticized the abused practice.
Declared that no one could achieve salvation by faith alone: Protestants taught justification by faith.

6. Were the Jesuits effective in maintaining the power of Catholicism throughout Europe? Explain specifically why or why not.
A: Sample: The Inquisition back-fired on the Church, further entrenching Protestantism inEurope rather than eradicating it.

Chapter Review Questions

Ch.15 Review questions to prepare for the test:
Using Key Terms 1-6
Reviewing Facts 1-6
Thinking Critically 1 & 2

If you want to double-check any of the answers, please come see me in the a.m and arrange to meet with me during the lunch hour.

Chapter 15 Review for test tomorrow

History 521A
Chapter 15 Review

You are responsible for all notes, questions, and worksheets from this chapter. Go over these and be prepared!

The test will have the following format:

Section A ~ Fill In The Blank
Section B ~ Multiple Choice
Section C ~ Short Answer
** There will be no essay question for this particular test!

Things to study:

Section 1 ~ The Italian Renaissance

 Know what humanism is and its effects on society.
 What was life like during the Italian Renaissance? Be able to describe the similarities and difference between Rome, Venice, and Florence.
 Know some artistic achievements. ie: architecture, painting, sculpture

Section 2 ~ The Northern Renaissance

 How were ideas spread during the age of the Renaissance?
 Difference between Humanism and Christian Humanism.
 Characteristics of the French and English Renaissance.

Section 3 ~ The Protestant Reformation

 Know Martin Luther=s criticisms of the church and the development of Lutheranism.

Section 4 ~ The Spread of Protestantism

 Characteristics of the Swiss who brought reforms to the church.(ie: predestination)
 Discuss what radical reforms were proposed. What were the results?
 What happened between King Henry VIII and the papacy in Rome?

Section 5 ~ The Catholic Reformation

 What happened during the time of the inquisition? What were it=s results?
 What was the responsibility of the Council of Trent? What were it=s results?
 How was Catholicism spread?

Tuesday, Oct. 18th

Group Section Work --> This group work was done as a means of review for your test tomorrow.
Groups passed in all work (worth marks). You will be evaluating your group members on Monday based on their efforts today.

Test tomorrow: Chapter 15
Printing Press Commercial (due next Monday if you did not hand in the advertisement today.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday, Oct 17

In the computer lab all class
Worked on Profile of an Artist assignment (due: Monday, Oct. 31)
Ch.15 Test is Wednesday
Printing Press Assignment is due tomorrow (print) commercial is due next Monday.
Note: My blog entries for Thurs and Friday of last week are not showing up for some reason. I will look into it!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, Oct. 12

Ch.15 Section 5 notes

Tuesday, Oct, 11

Tuesday, October11

Passed in Utopia assignments
Some students shared their utopia with the class
Printing Press Assignment Due: Monday, October 17
Create an informative advertisement for the printing press – a print ad with illustrations to promote its use and acceptance during the 1400s.
Your advertisement must:
Include both print and illustrations
Effectively convey the uses and benefits of the printing press.
Be drawn on an 8 ½ 11 sheet of paper (standard).
“Sell” the printing press to its intended audience.

History Folder Assignment

Imagine you are a German living in the 1500s. Write a letter about the reforms of Luther and their implications for the future of Catholicism in Germany. You can write this letter from either a “Lutheran” or “Catholic” viewpoint.
Be obviously written from either a Lutheran or Catholic viewpoint
Include a minimum of 6 historical facts relating to the subject matter. You must highlight/underline and number each fact in your paper.

Homework: Chapter 15 Section 3 1-7

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, Oct. 7

Section II Quiz
Finished Section III notes
Worked on flag for Utopia assignment -- due: Tuesday

Flag Criteria:
You will be evaluated on the following aspects of your flag:
Symbolism (you must include at least three symbols on your flag that have significance to your utopia)
Explanation – you must include a write-up explaining the significance of your flag (colors, symbolism, situation of images, etc.)
Finished product – overall impression, neatness, use of color
Bonus marks: Create a map or national anthem to represent your utopia.

Thursday, Oct. 6

Watched Steve Jobs' commencement speech at Stanford University
Section III notes
Section II quiz on Friday
Will be working on Utopia flag in class on Friday
Utopia assignment (write-up and flag) are due Tuesday

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wed. Oct. 5th

Homework check
Answered homework questions
Started Ch. 15 Section III notes
Section II review quiz on Friday

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday, October 4th

Finished notes on Ch. 15 Section II -- Northern Renaissance
Christian Humanism vs. Humanism Venn Diagram
Chart: Characteristics of the Northern Renaissance
Ch. 15 Section II Review questions pg. 375 1-4 & 6
All of the above is due tomorrow (homework) --> homework check tomorrow!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, Oct. 3

Ch. 15 Section I quiz

New assignment: Your mission is to write a 1-2 pg paper on your idea of “utopia”.
Please describe your utopian society in great detail:
What would it look like?
Where would it be located?
Who would live there?
How would this society be governed? (Form of government?)
How would people be punished if they did not abide by these rules?
Please name your society and write a slogan for your society. A statement that effectively conveys what your society is about.
You must also create a flag that will represent your society (and include a write-up to explain each component (symbols, color choice, etc.)
Finished product should be typed, standard font, double-spaced (or neatly written in ink).

Worked on this assignment for the remainder of class -- Due: Friday, Oct. 7, 2011