Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wed. Nov. 30th

Computer Lab -- worked on slideshows (due tomorrow) and printed off articles for research papers.
Ch.17 Test on Friday

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mon. Nov.28

Started research paper (major assignment)
Passed out information booklet
Went to the library to find a topic/books
Students handed in their floor plan of "Versailles"

We will be in the library tomorrow working on our research papers (if possible, please bring notecards to class)

We will be working on our research papers and your slideshows on Wed.
Slideshow is due Thursday (print out as a handout 6 slides/page -- black and white) and please email it to me as an attachment.

Ch.17 Test Friday, Dec.2

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Slideshow Assignment

Slideshow Assignment
You are responsible for creating a Powerpoint slideshow on Ch.17 Section 5
Please use the provided notes to create an attractive and informative slideshow presentation.
You must include a minimum of five (5) relevant pictures in your presentation (please source each picture on the slide use a textbox).
You must also include a “History Folder Assignment” that relates to the material.
This is an individual assignment; you are not permitted to work in groups.
To submit this project please go to print and print out your slideshow as “handouts” 6 hand-outs/per page -- black and white.
Please come see me re: the printing; I do not want people printing out their presentations one slide per page. It wastes too much ink.
Due date: Wednesday, Nov.30th (end of the period).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wed. Nov.23

Group Work: Ch. 17 Section IV -- The German States

Handed in all work -- we will present at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Ch.17 Test is next Wednesday, Nov.30th

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, Nov.22

Finished Ch.17 Section III notes
Elder Interaction Assignment: Due Dec.12
Look at Louis’ floor plan for the Palace of Versailles.
How would you design your ideal palace?
What would the floor plan be like?
How many rooms would you have?
What activity rooms would you have?
How would you decorate your palace?
Use a ruler and a separate sheet of paper to create your own floor plan. You have unlimited money to spend since you are an absolute monarch.
You can create a standard floor plan, or you can be non-traditional and use magazine clippings, internet pictures, etc.
Due: Monday, Nov.28
Chapter 17 Test: Wed. Nov.30

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, Nov.16

Ch.17 Section II notes -- discussed slideshow -- Elizabethan England
Handed out article on the Spanish Hapsburgs -- History Folder Assignment: Write a brief summary of the article and then include a personal response/reaction. (1/2 pg- 3/4 pg).

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Midterm Review

History 521 Midterm Review Tuesday, Nov.8th, 9:30am

The midterm will cover the following material:
o Middle Ages (notes and Ch.11 questions)
o Chapter 15 (notes, questions)
o Chapter 16 (notes, questions, worksheets)

You should make use of the following material to prepare for your exam:
 Chapter Tests
 Section Review Questions
 Chapter Review Questions
 All notes given in class
 All Chapter reviews (given out before tests)
Content of the Exam:
 Multiple Choice
 Fill in the Blanks
 Short Answer
 Essay Question (5 paragraph minimum to be prepared in advance).
Please use all chapter review sheets as a review for this midterm exam. You are responsible for all information covered over this first term. For the middle ages, please review all notes and questions (Ch.11).

Friday, November 4, 2011

Midterm Exam Bonus Question

As a reward for "checking up" on my blog, I will give you faithful followers the answer to the bonus question on the midterm.

Please do not spread this around -- it is a reward for consulting the blog, and if I find out that people "spread the word" I will not count the mark:)

The answer to the bonus question is: Jane

Attention Logan Donnelly!

Logan, if you are looking for your English 521 binder, you left it in my class (again!lol) this afternoon.

Please come see me in Rm. 243 Monday to get it back:)

History Folder

The following assignments should be included in your history folder:
Renaissance Man/Woman
Luther Letter
How Machiavellian Am I?
City-State Comparison
History's Greatest (Inventions)
Reformation Response
"A New World"
Spice Trade Questions
Columbus Map
Columbus "When Worlds Collide" Questions

You must fill in your log sheet and pass your folder in at the exam (you will receive a zero (0) if you do not hand it in on exam day).

Friday, Nov.4

Passed back Ch.16 tests -- went over answer
Midterm preparation

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Ch.16 Test Today
Tommorrow: We will spend tomorrow working on your advance essay questions for the exam and studying for your midterm.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter Review Answers

I apologize, but I am unable to post the answers due to the fact that I left my pencil case with two jump drives on the roof of my SUV this evening.

I know you will accept this excuse, because A)it is the truth B)this excuse is better than many I have heard from some of you for missing assignments:) and C)I am the teacher.

Happy Studying! Please come see me in Rm. 243 tomorrow morning and you can see my hard copy of the answers if you need any clarification. Sorry for this inconvenience. Huge reward if my prized pencil case and jump drives are found!

Advance Essay Questions for History 521A Midterm

Midterm Exam Advance Essay Questions
Kate J. Flick
History 521A Fall 2011

You should be able to deal with ONE of these questions on your exam. You are expected to prepare your essay of about 400 words in advance so that you are able to write a well-organized and well-written essay valued at 50% of your exam. No materials may be brought into the exam room to assist you with writing your essay. You will be asked to prepare an outline for your essay which will be worth marks.
1. Explain the origins of the Renaissance in Italy and the spread of its influence throughout the remainder of Europe using specific information to support your discussion. Show how specific ideas, inventions, and art were influential in changing society.
2. Discuss the Protestant Reformation – how it began and how it spread in Europe. Consider the impact this had on society, the state and the Church. How did religious division affect countries in Europe and the new colonies?
3. Discuss the idea of mercantilism. How did it operate? Discuss the relationship between mercantilism and the expansion of empires. Discuss trade and the development of colonies and new financial institutions in Europe. You should also touch on the role slavery played in this economy..
4.. Explain why Europeans were interested in discovering new lands and markets. Who were some important explorers? Explain the motivating factors behind European exploration. Discuss the evolution of technology and its effect on exploration. Identify the nation that led the exploration drive and discuss their motives.
5. If you have an essay question of your own you would like to propose, write out the question and bring it to me for review and approval. This must be done in advance (I will not accept proposals the day of the exam).
Please do not hesitate to approach me with ideas/questions concerning this essay. I will not, however, read drafts of your essay. Remember that the quality of your essay depends greatly on the thinking you do during its preparation. You should create an outline and draft of your essay to help you prepare. During this exam, there is sufficient time to outline, draft and re-write your essay if you have done your planning properly.
Basic criteria for the essay:
 Proper essay format (must be a minimum of 5 paragraphs); well organized
 Double-spaced
 Proofread and edited
 Carefully organized around a clear thesis
 Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs
 Evidence of originality and insight

Wednesday, Nov.2

Passed out all Ch.16 notes (hand-outs of slideshows)
Passed out worksheet (explorers)
CH.16 Test tomorrow

Chapter 16 Review Questions
Pg. 412
Using Key Terms:1-8
Reviewing Facts: 1-8 *omit #3
Thinking Critically: 3-6
Analyzing Concepts 2 & 3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chapter 16 Section I Review Question Answers

Ch.16 Section I Review Questions
• Cartographer: mapmaker
• Line of demarcation: imaginary line extending from the North Pole to the South Pole that divided newly discovered lands between the Spanish and Portuguese
• Circumnavigation: circling the globe by ship

• Henry the Navigator: Portuguese Prince who set up first school for navigators and organized discovery expeditions
• Dias: led first expedition to round Cape of Good Hope
• Da Gama: First Portuguese sailor to reach India
• Columbus: Italian explorer who reached the Americas in 1492
• Magellan: his crew first to circumnavigate the globe

4. Why did Portugal and Spain want to find a sea route to Asia:?
• The promise of riches from spice trade and the desire to spread Christianity
5. Do as a journal entry in history folder
6. Predict what would have happened to Columbus if there had been no land between Spain and Asia.
• The expedition might have run out of fresh water and food.
7. What sciences and new technologies helped sailors to venture into the open ocean and led to European voyages of exploration?
• Technologies: the compass, astrolabe, improved maps, caravels; sciences: cartography, mathematics, astronomy.

Tuesday Nov. 1

Read aloud Ch.16 Section III
Worked on Ch.16 Section 1 and 2 study guide sheets (due tomorrow)
Handed out Explorer worksheet -- due tomorrow
Chapter 16 Test Thursday
Exam Review Friday