Thursday, January 19, 2012

Final Exam Advance Essay Questions (you must choose one)

Final Exam Advance Essay Questions
Kate J. Flick
History 521A January 2012
You should be able to deal with ONE of the following questions on your exam. You are expected to prepare your essay of about 400 words in advance so that you are able to write a well-organized and well-written essay valued at 40-50% of your exam. No materials may be brought into the exam room to assist you with writing your essay. You will be asked to prepare an outline for your essay which will be worth marks.
1. We studied revolutions in England and America. From your study in this course, consider the factors that point to conditions for revolution. You will need to consider absolutism, colonialism, and the rise of the merchant or middle class, as well as the condition of poorer countries.

2. Discuss the significance of the Scientific Revolution and its impact on people’s lives, beliefs, and ideas. You should consider the Scientific Method, the emerging tension between religious belief and scientists’ observations, the ways in which the Scientific Method was applied to areas other than the natural world and the attempts by people to reconcile belief and this new method.

3. Discuss the significance of the Enlightenment or Age of Reason for our history. One section in our textbook talks about “The Triumph of Reason”. What does that mean? Were there any shortcomings of this new approach to almost every aspect of life? What impact did the ideas have for government? How did it affect reform efforts? Artistic expression? Try to find a thesis which deals with what you conclude is the real significance of this time.

4. How did Britain evolve into a constitutional monarchy? What forces and issues led to this and why was revolution relatively short-lived? What influence would this new system of government have on other countries? Why did Britain not extend the same reforms to her colonies?

5. The essay question focuses on the nature of progress, or the belief that things have been getting better. You are asked to think about all of the history we have studied this term and write a persuasive essay arguing either:
1) History has been a steady progression of improvements and we, as a people, are better than we were 400 years ago. OR
2) History has not been a steady progression of improvements and, in fact, we are no better (if not worse) than we were 400 years ago.

6. You will be expected to support your opinion with historical examples. The essay structure will be as follows:
Paragraph 1: Introduction including a clear thesis statement.
Paragraph 2: Historical example 1 and details about the example that support your thesis.
Paragraph 3: Historical example 2 and details about the example that support your thesis.
Paragraph 4: Historical example 3 and details about the example that support your thesis.
Paragraph 5: Conclusion that summarizes your arguments and clearly restates your thesis.

Basic criteria for all essays:
Proper essay format (minimum of 5 paragraphs); well organized
Proof-read and edited
Carefully organized around a clear thesis
Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs
Originality of insight

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slideshow Class Lab Time

Hi all,

I tried to get more lab time for your slideshows, but all the computer labs are booked right up until Tuesday. I did book lab 340 for Tuesday during our class. I will make the assignments due at the end of Tuesday's class. Please feel free to complete the slideshow in advance and use the period for study/review.

Please have all sheets completed for tomorrow's class. We will go over them together.

I hope everyone is studying for Friday's test on Ch.20 - hint: you will need to be able to identify all 13 colonies on the map!

See you tomorrow! Ms.Flick:)

Slideshow Assignment Due: Monday, Jan.23

Slideshow Assignment
You are responsible for creating a Powerpoint slideshow on Ch.21 Section 1
Please use the provided notes to create an attractive and informative slideshow presentation.
You must include a minimum of five (5) relevant pictures in your presentation (please source each picture on the slide use a textbox).
You must also include a “History Folder Assignment” that relates to the material.
This is an individual assignment; you are not permitted to work in groups.
To submit this project please go to print and print out your slideshow as “handouts”  6 hand-outs/per page  black and white.
Please come see me re: the printing; I do not want people printing out their presentations one slide per page. It wastes too much ink.
Due date: Monday, January 23, 2012

Slideshow Assignment Rubric
Content /10
• Information is accurate
• Covers most important material from the section
• Slideshow has more than 10 slides
• Information is paraphrased
• Information is free of grammatical and spelling errors
Presentation /10
• Format is clean and uncluttered
• Contains at least 5 images
• Layout is pleasing to the eye
• Easy to read
• Slide headings are interesting and relevant
• Notes are nicely spaced
• Not too much information on each slide

History Folder Assignment /5
• Shows creativity
• Relevant to the material
Total: /25

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday, Jan.6

The Restoration

Thesis statement: Although the Restoration marked the return of a British monarchy, it eventually led to many parliamentary advances which would change the political system of Great Britain.

I. Charles II

II. Glorious Revolution
A. James II
1. Wanted absolute power
2. Raised religious question again
3. Parliament waiting for his Protestant daughter

B. William and Mary
1. Accepted reduced power
2. Act of Settlement introduced

III. Parliament Victorious
A. The Last Stuart
B. New Order of Succession
C. Act of Union
D. The Hanovers
1. Reliance on the cabinet
2. Creation of the prime minister post

IV. Conclusion

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday, Jan.4

Tuesday: Handed out rubric for research paper
Chapter 20 Section I fill in the blanks notes and slideshow
Handed out Chapter 20 Questions (Section I questions are due Friday)

Wednesday: Worked on research papers. Went over Chicago Style Format (end notes and foot notes). Went over outlining.
Outline Exercise
 Please read your notes on outlines and the section “Outlining” on page 507 in your textbook.

 Create an outline for Ch. 20 Section 2 “A King Returns to the Throne” on pages 492-496. Use the example outline “Government in England” as a guide.

 This is a history folder assignment; you will be graded primarily on format.

Upcoming due dates:
Outline and Bibliography: Tomorrow -- Thurs. Jan 5th (or Fri Jan.6 if you are going to the bball game).
Rough Draft: Wed. Jan 11
Final Copy: Friday, Jan. 13