Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Folder Assignments

Folder Assignments

1. Chapter 17 Section 1 review

2. History Frame - Spanish Armada

3. Study Guide – Spain

4. Study Guide – England

5. Sun King – A Day in the Life of Louis XIV

6. Louis XIV Word Web

7. History Simulation Activity (King or Queen for a day and word web activity)

8. Paraphrasing takes practice – Sheets

9. Exercise: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting and Citing

10. Section 1 folder Assignment – Create your own invention

11. Watching Astley’s performance

12. Rembrendt vs. DaVinci

13. Self portrait

14. Age of Enlightenment

15. 5 Facts video/ word search

16. Boston Tea Party article and 5 questions

17. Boston Tea Party article Text Reformulation

Sunday, June 9, 2013

English Civil War -- History Frame

History Frame
Title: English Civil War
Participants/Key Players: Cavaliers (Charles I) vs. Roundheads (Parlimentarians/Puritans)
Problem or Goal: Dispute between Charles I and Parliament
Where: England
When: 1642-1649
Key Episodes or Events:
·         Parliament tried to force Charles I to sign Petition of Right (limit his power)
·         Charles dissolved Parliament for 11 years
·         Archbishop Laud denied Puritans rights and tried to force Scots to adopt Church of England's ways
·         "The Great Migration"
·         Scots invaded England --> Short Parliament (3 weeks)
·         Long Parliament (20 years) --> controlled by Puritans
·         1642: Nineteen Propositions: Made Parliament supreme power -- Charles would not agree to demands which led to the English Civil War (Cavaliers vs. Roundheads)
·         1646: Parliament won complete control -- left behind Rump Parliament
·         1647: Charles is executed
Theme/Lesson/So What?
·         End of absolutism
·         New form of republican government (commonwealth)
·         Last time a monarchy would have complete, absolute power

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Final Exam Advance Essay Questions

Final Exam Advance Essay Questions

Kate J. Flick

History 521A June 2013

You should be able to deal with ONE of the following questions on your exam. You are expected to prepare your essay of about 400 words in advance so that you are able to write a well-organized and well-written essay valued at 30-40% of your exam. No materials may be brought into the exam room to assist you with writing your essay. You will be asked to prepare an outline for your essay which will be worth marks.

1. We studied revolutions in England and America. From your study in this course, consider the factors that point to conditions for revolution. You will need to consider absolutism, colonialism, and the rise of the merchant or middle class.

2. Discuss the significance of the Scientific Revolution and its impact on people’s lives, beliefs, and ideas. You should consider the Scientific Method, the emerging tension between religious belief and scientists’ observations, the ways in which the Scientific Method was applied to areas other than the natural world and the attempts by people to reconcile belief and this new method.

3. Discuss the significance of the Enlightenment or Age of Reason for our history. One section in our textbook talks about “The Triumph of Reason”. What does that mean? Were there any shortcomings of this new approach to almost every aspect of life? What impact did the ideas have for government? How did it affect reform efforts? Artistic expression? Try to find a thesis which deals with what you conclude is the real significance of this time.

4. How did Britain evolve into a constitutional monarchy? What forces and issues led to this and why was revolution relatively short-lived? What influence would this new system of government have on other countries? Why did Britain not extend the same reforms to her colonies?

5. The essay question focuses on the nature of progress, or the belief that things have been getting better. You are asked to think about all of the history we have studied this term and write a persuasive essay arguing either:

1) History has been a steady progression of improvements and we, as a people, are better than we were 400 years ago. OR

2) History has not been a steady progression of improvements and, in fact, we are no better (if not worse) than we were 400 years ago.

For option #5, you will be expected to support your opinion with historical examples. The essay structure will be as follows:

Paragraph 1: Introduction including a clear thesis statement.

Paragraph 2: Historical example 1 and details about the example that support your thesis.

Paragraph 3: Historical example 2 and details about the example that support your thesis.

Paragraph 4: Historical example 3 and details about the example that support your thesis.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion that summarizes your arguments and clearly restates your thesis.

Basic criteria for all essays:

Proper essay format (minimum of 5 paragraphs); well organized


Proof-read and edited

Carefully organized around a clear thesis

Effective introductory and concluding paragraphs

Originality of insight

Final Exam Review

History 521 Final Exam Review Exam: Wednesday, June 12 AM

The final exam will cover the following material:

• Chapter 17 (notes, questions, worksheets)

• Chapter 19 (notes, questions, worksheets)

• Chapter 20 (notes, questions, worksheets)

You should make use of the following materials to prepare for your exam:

• Chapter tests

• Section Review questions

• Chapter Review questions

• All notes given in class

• All worksheets/study guides/section quizzes

Content of Exam:

• Multiple Choice

• Fill in the Blanks

• Short Answer

• Major Essay (5 paragraph minimum to be prepared in advance)

Chapter 17: Royal Power and Conflict

Section 1 ~ Spain

1. Who is Philip II and what was his role in shaping Spain during the late 16th and 17th centuries? Why did Philip II have difficulty ruling the Spanish empire?

2. What is absolutism (absolute monarch) and why did it exist? What were some positive and negative implications of absolute monarchy?

3. Be able to discuss Philip II’s religious policies and Spain’s battles at sea (Spanish Armada).

Section 2 ~ England

1. Describe the role of the early Tudor family, their role in British society, and how they ruled (ie: policies and approach to governing).

2. Who was Elizabeth I? What impact did she have on society? Why did she mean by England is my only mistress? How did she affect the balance of power?

Section 3 ~ France

1. Who were Henry IV, Cardinal Richelieu, and Louis XIV? What positive and negative impacts did these individuals have on France?

2. Be able to discuss why uniformity was important during 17th century France. What institutions expressed uniformity?

3. What is Louis XIV’s legacy? What was his desire for Versailles?

Section 4 ~ The German States

1. Identify the significant changes that occurred in Russia during the reigns of Ivan IV, Peter the Great, and Catherine the Great.

Chapter 19: Scientific Revolution

Section 1 ~ New Scientific Ideas

1. Be able to discuss how scientific thought changed during the 1600s.

2. Understand the scientific method.

3. Be able to identify and give a description (accomplishments, notable achievements) of all scientists.

Section 2 ~ Impact of Science

1. Be able to discuss the effects that the changes in scientific thought had on thinking in other fields (especially politics and government).

2. Identify and discuss the achievements of important philosophers during this time.

Section 3 ~ Triumph of Reason

1. Identify factors that helped the Enlightenment spread throughout Europe and the ways in which people reacted to the ideas of the Enlightenment.

2. Identify and discuss achievements of important philosophes.

3. Discuss the importance and role the “salon” played during this Age of Reason.

4. Identify individuals who did not agree with the Enlightenment, and discuss their views.

5. Understand the effect the Enlightenment had on religion(s).

Chapter 20: British and American Revolutions

Section 1 ~ Civil War

1. Identify the causes of the English Civil War (changes in gov’t and individual rights brought about by war, and Cromwell’s rule in its aftermath).

Section 2 ~ A King Returns to the Throne

1. Explain why the British monarchy was restored (restoration of Charles II)

2. Describe how Great Britain established a representative government (rise of political parties, increased power of Parliament).

Section 3 ~ Road to Revolt

1. Discuss the causes of the American Revolution (Britain’s mercantilist view of the colonies, taxation, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party).

Final Folder Assignments

Folder Assignments

1. Chapter 17 Section 1 review

2. History Frame - Spanish Armada

3. Study Guide – Spain

4. Study Guide – England

5. Sun King – A Day in the Life of Louis XIV

6. Louis XIV Word Web

7. History Simulation Activity (King or Queen for a day and word web activity)

8. Paraphrasing takes practice – Sheets

9. Exercise: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, Quoting and Citing

10. Section 1 folder Assignment – Create your own invention

11. Watching Astley’s performance

12. Rembrendt vs. DaVinci

13. Self portrait

14. Age of Enlightenment

15. 5 Facts video/ word search

16. Boston Tea Party article and 5 questions

17. Boston Tea Party article Text Reformulation

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Slideshow Assignment

Slideshow Assignment

You are responsible for creating a Powerpoint slideshow on Ch.20 Section 4
Please use the provided notes to create an attractive and informative slideshow presentation.

You must have at least 10 slides in your slideshow

You must include a minimum of five (5) relevant pictures in your presentation (please source each picture on the slide -- use a textbox).

You must also include a “History Folder Assignment” that relates to the material.

This is an individual assignment; you are not permitted to work in groups.

To submit this project please go to print and print out your slideshow as “handouts” --> 6 hand-outs/per page --> black and white.

Please come see me re: the printing; I do not want people printing out their presentations one slide per page. It wastes too much ink.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Teaching Assignment

Chapter 19

Teaching Assignment

You will be asked to “teach” one section of the assigned chapter to the class. Your criteria for this assignment is as follows:

 You will choose your own groups. Choose wisely – pick students that you know you can work well with. If there are any issues choosing groups, I will make the groups for you.

 I will assign each group a section.

 You must create notes for this chapter and deliver them to the class. Format: Slideshow ( I will need to have both a hard and an electronic copy). You may also create a fill-in-the-blanks notes copy for students to fill in, or if you feel that this does not leave you enough time for other activities, then I will make copies of your slideshow for the class.

 You must develop an activity or activities that will reinforce the material within your section (trivia, questions, group work, hands-on activity, games….be creative!!)

 You must create a “History Folder Assignment” to reinforce some aspect of the material. Be creative. This assignment will be evaluated with the other folder assignments during the final exam.

 You must create a short assessment which tests the students’ knowledge (you must provide me with a hard copy as well as an answer key/rubric). You will be responsible for marking this assessment (it will be worth marks!). This must be TYPED.

 Each student should be involved in the “teaching” of the section. Students will evaluate their group members for their contributions.

 You will be responsible for teaching the entire 80 minute period. You will be evaluated on your knowledge, lesson content, delivery, variety of activities, creativity, and use of time.

 Your mark will based on:

o My evaluation of your lesson

o Group members’ evaluation

o Class evaluation of lesson


We have been working on the Ch.19 teaching assignment all week. Groups will present next week. We are booked in the computer lab tomorrow to work on your research papers. Rough copy is now due Tuesday (b/c the computers were not working today). Final draft is due: Thursday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Research Paper Due Dates

Monday, May 6th: Outline and Bibliography
Rough Draft: Monday, May 13th
Final Draft: Wednesday, May 15th

Chapter 17 Test (Tuesday, May 7th)

Chapter 17 Review -- Tuesday, May 7th

History 521A

Section 1: Spain

• Know who Philip II is, and his role in shaping Spain during the late 16th and early 17th centuries.

• Be able to define absolutism and absolute monarchy. Why did they exist? What were some positive and negative implications of absolute monarchy?

• Be able to discuss Philip II’s religious policies and their battles at sea (Armada).

*You should be able to detail the causes, events, and outcome of the Spanish Armada.

Section 2: England

• Describe the role of the early Tudor family, and how they ruled (ie: policies, and approach to governing).

• Who was Elizabeth I? What impact did she have on society? What did she mean by England is my only mistress?

Section 3: France

• Who were Henry IV, Cardinal Richelieu, and Louis XIV? What positive and negative impacts did these individuals have on France?

• What is Louix XIV’s legacy? What was his desire for Versailles?

*You should be able to describe in detail the rule of one of the following absolute monarchs: Philip II, Elizabeth I, Louis XIV (domestic policy, foreign policy, religious policy, military successes/failures, positive and negative impacts).

Domestic policy: decisions, plans, programs, laws relating to the matters of a country

Foreign policy: How a country interacts with other countries

Monday, April 29, 2013

Research Paper Info and Due Dates

History 521A

Research Paper

Type of Paper: Report*, Issue Analysis, Persuasion, Biography

Length: 1200-1500 words

Sources: Minimum 4 sources (2 must be considered a *hard source)

Format: Double-spaced (typed), Chicago Style Format (refer to Hacker’s Guide)

Due Date:

Your paper must have a specific focus. You cannot simply write a research paper on “Martin Luther”; you must develop a clear thesis statement which you will build your paper around. Your topic should be an investigation of a person, place, or event of historical interest during the 1300s-1950s. You must have your topic pre-approved before the specified date (below).

* Hard sources consist of the following: books, magazines, newspapers periodicals, journals, etc. **A hard source is anything in print. Soft sources consist of the following: Internet, CD Rom, personal interviews, movies, etc.

Research writing is a process; the following are the due dates for the preliminary sections:

1. Topic Wed. April 24th 2 marks

2. Thesis (tentative) Mon, April 29th 3 marks

3. Outline Wed. May 1st 10 marks

4. Works Cited Wed. May 1st 5 marks

5. Rough Draft Wed. May 8th 10 marks

6. Final Draft Mon. May15th 36 marks

This is a tentative mark breakdown which is subject to change.

You will also receive marks based on format, note cards, and in-text citations.

In addition to being provided with handouts, you will also be taught the necessary elements for research writing. Class time will be spent both in the library and the computer lab.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Research and Documentation Web Assignment

Research and Documentation Web Assignment
Please answer all questions on a piece of loose-leaf and pass in at the end of class. To earn full marks you must also COPY down the questions by hand.  I WILL NOT accept questions/answers that are typed.

1.             “Research in history involves developing an understanding of the past through the examination and interpretation       of evidence”.  Please give six examples of evidence.

2.             Historians use libraries to: (three things)

Go to “Documenting Sources”.  Click on “Chicago Documentation Style”

3.             If you use the Chicago style of citation are you still required to include a bibliography?  
4.             What two things should you include the first time you cite a source?

5.             Definition for the term subsequent:

6.             How do you cite subsequent references? Please give an example.

7.             What does “Ibid” mean?  When do you use it? Give an example.

8.             Go to the “Glossary of Terms”. Write down a definition for the following terms:  citation, plagiarism, primary source, and secondary source.

9.             Go to “Tips for Evaluating Sources” (Top of screen) Name two things that should be done when evaluating all sources and give an example of each.

10.           Name and briefly explain four things that should be taken into consideration when evaluating a web site.

11.           Create a footnote for the following references (refer to model notes and bibliography entries) and then create a         properly formatted bibliography for the four references (remember to alphabetize!!)

                Title: The Flick Chronicles
Author – John Myron
                Publishing Company :Flick Books
                City :New York
                Publishing Date: June 2008
                Page number: 6

                Author: Jason Flick
                Title: Renaissance Art
                Source: World History
                Director: Steven Senegal
                Title: The Spice Trade
                Production Company: Flick Entertainment
                Production Date: September 2007
                Release Date: June 2008
                Title: Kate Flick: Coolest Teacher on the Planet
                Authors: Joe Broderick, Ryan Keliher
                Publishing Company: Ragweed Press
                City: Toronto
                Publishing Date: April 2009
                Page number:76

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Midterm Exam

History 521 Midterm Review
The midterm will cover the following material:
·         Middle Ages (notes, Ch.11 questions)
·         Chapter 15 (notes, questions)
·         Chapter 16 (notes, questions, worksheets)
You should make use of the following material to prepare for your exam:
ü  Chapter Tests
ü  Section Review Questions
ü  Chapter Review Questions
ü  All notes given in class
Content of Exam:
ü  Multiple Choice
ü  Fill in the Blanks
ü  Short Answer
ü  Critical response (to an article *possibly)
ü  Essay (5 paragraph minimum to be prepared in advance; outline will be worth 5 marks)

Folder Assignments due at Midterm Exam

Feb. 13th: Historical Bias Screencast
Feb.22: Fief Assignment
Feb.25th: Renaissance Person Assignment
March 1: City State Comparison
March 6: Linear Perspective
Feb. 27th: Current Events #1
March 7th: 20 Facts – on Godfathers of the Renaissance Assignment
March 12th: Current Events Study #2
March 15th: Chart Assignment
March 25th: A New World
March 15: Study Guides Booklet