Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, Feb.27

Quiz was written yesterday (and we completed a folder assignment: current events study-- see me for hand-out)

Renaissance Man activity
Notes on Ch.15 Section 1

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, Feb.22

Today we will be working on the folder assignment "Create your own Fief" (see criteria in previous post). You must also complete the following questions for homework (due Monday, Feb. 25th). Your test will be on Tuesday, Feb. 26th
Chapter 11 Review

Using Key Terms: 1-15 Write in full and use letter.

Reviewing Facts: 2 & 3

Thinking Critically: 1 & 3

Analyzing Concepts: 2

Geography in History: 3

Linking Past and Present: 2

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 21

Worked on folder assignment:
There will be a Middle Ages quiz on Tuesday.

Using the provided materials create your own personal “fief”.

Be sure to include all things needed for your modern day fief to be self-sufficient. **If you choose to re-create a medieval fief, you must create a feudal system that is different than the model that was used during the Middle Ages. Your written response should illustrate the ways in which your model is better than the traditional model.

Please create a legend to identify all buildings and locations on your drawing. You must also write a response on the back of your page describing the elements of your fief, and how it would be organized/run.

You must also include a “feudal pyramid/hierarchy” which details who grants land (and what they receive in return) etc.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, Feb. 19th

Finished notes on the Middle Ages
Folder Assignment: Design your own fief
Using the provided materials create your own personal “fief”.

Be sure to include all things needed for your modern day fief to be self-sufficient.

Please create a legend to identify all buildings and locations on your drawing.

You must also include a “feudal hierarchy” which details who grants land (and what they receive in return) etc.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Thursday, Feb. 14th

Happy Valentine's Day!
Discussed Identifying Bias worksheet
Passed out "fill in the blanks" notes booklet on the Middle Ages
Copied notes and discussed The Dark Ages
We will be working on our Feature Study Assignments in the computer lab on Friday. Please note that these assignments are due on on Wednesday (prior to class).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wednesday, Feb. 13th

Finished copying notes on Historical Bias
Passed out worksheet "Historical Bias Screencast" (to be completed as a folder assignment)
Passed out worksheet on identifying bias

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, Feb. 11th

Students handed in Middle Ages Web Assignment (due today).
Copied notes and discussed the "Six Concepts of Historical Thinking"
Introductory notes --> Historical Bias

Monday, February 11, 2013 class ID and password

Class: History 521A
ID: 6117352
Password: raiders

Please create an account and submit a "test" paper to the "test paper" assignment.

Feature Study Assignment

Middle Ages Feature Study Assignment

Format: Maximum size 8 1/2 by 11 (standard, letter size). Must be attractive, have clear title and neat, proof-read text. Citations must be provided for all text sources on bottom left in smaller font. Citations for picture must be placed with the picture caption, in smaller text. Student name, class, and date (in that order) must appear on bottom right. You must also include a properly formatted Works Cited/Bibliography.

Directions: You are to produce a feature study like the ones in your textbook. Choose a topic of interest, relating to the Middle Ages. The idea is to produce a visually interesting and informative study on a topic from this period in history. You should use a minimum of three sources. Things to avoid:

 too much text

 pictures that do not connect to the text

 trying to include too much information

 cramming too much information onto one page

 spelling and grammatical errors

 untidy appearance

Remember that the goal of this assignment is to highlight a specific aspect of the Middle Ages in a simple, short, format. This means careful selection of material, presentation method, and organization of information.

You will receive a mark of zero if you pass in your study without citations and/or a works cited.

This assignment will be passed in via I will not grade hard copies of this assignment. Please ensure that you know how to create an account and submit a paper prior to the due date of this assignment. I will not accept "technological" difficulties as an excuse.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Middle Ages Web Assignment

Middle Ages Web Assignment History 521A Ms. Flick

Go to the web address:

Navigate the website to answer the following questions: (DO NOT print a copy of this page. I want you to answer all questions on a separate piece of paper. All answers MUST be in pen).

1. What two duties did a knight have during the Middle Ages?

2. What was the Code of Chivalry?

3. Name and briefly describe the five (5) steps to knighthood.

4. How many years total did it take to become a knight?

5. What were The Crusades?

6. What were the effects of The Crusades?

7. What were the two main goals of medieval sports?

8. Why was the lower class required to practice archery by law?

9. What utensils did the lower class use to eat their food? Why did they not use spoons?

10. Describe the staple diet of the lower classes.

11. What religion governed the lives of those living in The Middle Ages? Describe its influence.

12. List the pieces of clothing that made up a medieval knight’s wardrobe.

13. List and describe three (3) different methods of torture used during The Middle Ages.

14. Briefly describe the function and design of each of the following siege weapons: ballista, mangonel, battering rams, trebuchets.

15. List three (3) reasons for the decline of feudalism.

16. Explain the development of castles as fortresses.

17. Describe the role of medieval women. What happened if they were not obedient?

18. What was the age of consent for nobility during the Middle Ages?

19. Why did noble women age so quickly during The Middle Ages? What practices would noble women engage in to maintain a youthful appearance?

20. Choose one aspect of the Middle Ages that interests you. Compile research that will be used to complete a feature study.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Welcome to History 521 A.

Today I went over the course syllabus and expectations for the course.
Students were divided into pairs and worked on an icebreaker activity "Partner Commercial" which we will be doing in class tomorrow.