Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 16 Review Sheet

History 521A-01
Chapter 16 Review

To study for your test please read chapter 16 and review all notes, questions and hand-outs. You should also be able to identify all important people and terms mentioned in the chapter.

Things to study:

Section 1 ~ Early Explorations

 Explain why Europeans risked dangerous ocean voyages to discover new sea routes and explore other lands. ( trade, commerce, spread of language, customs, traditions, and religion, the quest for new technologies etc)

 Discuss the expeditions of both Spain and Portugal. What were they seeking? How did they, as beginning states, support expeditions?

 Discuss the innovations made in navigation. How did navigational techniques change/evolve?

 Discuss Columbus’ voyages. What was his motivation? Did he achieve his ultimate goal?

Section 2 ~ Overseas Empires

 Discuss the concept of colonization. Was it a seen as a positive or a negative implication of discovering new worlds? Were newly discovered people and lands exploited? If so, how?

 What were the implications of slave trade? Describe the middle passage and what is meant by the triangular trade concept.

Section 3 ~ Expanding Horizons

 What was/is commercial revolution? Describe business methods and banking practices of the 1500-1600’s. (Banking families government-chartered banks  joint-stock companies)

 What is mercantilism? What role did colonies have in a mercantilist system?

 Describe the social/religious trends of the 1600’s in Europe. What new products were available? Who had the best quality of life? Treatment of peasants?

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