Monday, December 21, 2009

Ch.20 Project

Chapter 20 Project

Please choose ONE of the following options to work on for your Chapter 20 project. You may work in groups of your choice for numbers 1 or 2. Please keep in mind that if you choose to do a group project, you will have to arrange to meet with group members during your lunch hour or after school. I will be providing minimal in-class time to work on this project.

Project Options
1. Dramatization: Students will work in groups to dramatize one of the important events of this chapter, such as the trial of King Charles I, the Boston Massacre, or the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Students will either present their skit in class OR as a movie (DVD). Students will be marked on creativity, content, costumes, editing (if relevant), and historical interpretation. Students MUST pass in a hard copy of their project (script).

2. News Report: Students should imagine they are “war correspondents” traveling with one of the armies covered in this chapter. Student(s) must produce a written news report about the war which includes information about battles as well as the ideas over which the wars were fought (reasons, motivations, etc.). Students will present news report during class time (or create a newscast on DVD). Students will be marked on creativity, content, costumes, editing (if relevant), and historical interpretation.

3. Biography: Students will write a brief biography about two individuals from the English Civil War and the American Revolution. Students must create a table which illustrates the similarities and differences of these individuals. (considering common characteristics, beliefs, or experiences). Students will also be asked to complete a “History Frame” hand-out for each revolution (obtain from Ms. Flick). Students will be asked to hand in the biographies, table, and hand-outs. Students will be marked on content, insight, grammar/spelling, and historical accuracy/interpretation.

4. Graphics: Students will develop a “pictorial history” of one of the revolutions covered in this chapter. Students must illustrate the major events before, during, and after the revolution. Students must include text that explains the events. Format: display/comic strip/powerpoint slideshow/scrapbook. Students will be marked on creativity, content, historical accuracy, neatness, and clarity of image

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